(Photo: MINDEF)

China Global Times, a newspaper under the purview of the Chinese Communist Party’s People’s Daily, published an article on Monday (26 Jul), condemning Britain’s carrier strike group for making its way into the South China Sea.

Ships from the Britain’s strike group, led by the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, carried out a joint navy exercise with the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) on Monday in the southern reaches of the South China Sea. It is the first time the Royal Navy’s carrier strike group has been deployed to the Asia-Pacific region.

Global Times said, “The UK’s intention is obvious. It wants to provoke China, engage in the so-called freedom of navigation like the US does and demonstrate its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region. Britain is still living in its colonial days.”

“The UK intends to use its navy to revive its old dream of an empire, but its overall strength cannot support such global ambitions,” it added. “The UK’s economy has fallen into recession and about one-fifth of UK pensioners are living in poverty… this being the case, the UK still insists on following the US to provoke China, which is a big mistake.”

Global Times opined that the purpose of the Britain’s carrier strike group is to coordinate with the US, threatening China’s interests in South China Sea.

“It is still living in the ‘auld lang syne’ trying to show its strength to the world through the so-called freedom of navigation,” Global Times wrote. “If the UK wants to provoke the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in the South China Sea, it will inevitably lead to strong countermeasures from China.”

Commenting on the economy of Britain, Global Times said, “Putting a limited budget into messing up the Asia-Pacific situation is very likely to drag the recovery of the UK’s economy in the post-pandemic era. After all, permanently deploying two warships in Asian waters will be like a bottomless pit for the UK. It will affect the British people’s living standards as well.”

“Coordinating with the US in disrupting the Asia-Pacific situation will only dwarf the UK’s own national image, and weaken the attractiveness of the UK’s global strategy,” it added.

MINDEF: Exercises enable RSN to keep warm ties with foreign navies

Meanwhile, Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) released a statement on Tuesday (27 Jul), confirming that RSN has conducted a “contactless passage exercise” (PASSEX) with the Royal Navy’s ships comprising of aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, frigates HMS Kent and HNLMS Evertsen, destroyer USS The Sullivans, as well as replenishment tanker RFA Tidespring.

MINDEF said that RSN’s frigate RSS Intrepid, littoral mission vessel RSS Unity, and landing ship tank RSS Resolution conducted a series of communication and manoeuvring exercises with the Royal Navy’s ships.

“In addition, RSS Intrepid took part in a replenishment-at-sea drill with RFA Tidespring,” it added.

“The RSN conducts regular PASSEXes with foreign navies to enhance mutual understanding and strengthen friendship with other navies. These professional interactions at sea have enabled the RSN to keep our ties warm with our navy counterparts, especially amidst the ongoing COVID-19 situation.”

MINDEF also disclosed that Royal Navy’s tanker, RFA Tidespring, made a port call at Singapore last week (23 to 25 Jul) to conduct replenishment exercise.

Commenting on the joint navy exercise with Singapore, the UK commander of the Britain’s carrier strike group, Commodore Steve Moorhouse, told the media, “The Royal Navy has huge affection for Singapore based on our history together, but Singapore is also a beacon of enterprise in a region that is growing in strategic importance.”

“The arrival of the Carrier Strike Group in Southeast Asia is a clear sign that the United Kingdom is ready to work with friends and partners, new and old, to strengthen the security and freedoms upon which we mutually depend,” Moorhouse said.

“We are grateful to Singapore for supporting an important logistics stop for RFA Tidespring as the Carrier Strike Group continues our programme at sea. We look forward to working with Singapore again.”

The British High Commissioner to Singapore, Kara Owen, also added, “The Carrier Strike Group’s presence is another element of our strategic approach to the Southeast Asia region.”

“We welcome Singapore’s support for the Carrier Strike Group’s deployment to the region. Our joint exercise showcases our navies’ ability to operate effectively together, underscoring the deep and strong defence and security partnership,” she said.


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