Source: SCDF / Facebook

About 130 people were evacuated, and seven residents were conveyed to the hospital after a fire broke out in a HDB apartment at Ang Mo Kio on Wednesday morning (16 Jun).

In a Facebook post earlier today, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said that it was alerted to the blaze at Block 123 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6 at about 9.40am.

“Upon arrival, SCDF firefighters wearing breathing apparatus sets proceeded to a unit on the 7th floor where the fire was raging. An occupant from the burning unit was seen at the 7th floor staircase landing and was safely evacuated by SCDF firefighters,” it wrote.

The fire which involved the contents of the unit was extinguished with a water jet and two Compressed Air Foam (CAF) backpacks.

About 130 residents from the fifth to ninth floor of the affected block were evacuated by the Police and SCDF as a precautionary measure.

Staff and residents from the AWWA Senior Community Home, a nursing home located on the second to fourth floor, had self-evacuated prior to SCDF’s arrival.

“A total of seven residents were conveyed to Singapore General Hospital, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and National University Hospital for smoke inhalation and giddiness,” said SCDF.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

This is the second fire incident reported within two days. Yesterday morning (15 Jun), about 20 people were evacuated after a fire broke out in a shophouse at Outram Park.

What’s more, during the firefighting operations on the third floor of the affected building, segments of the ceiling fell onto two firefighters.

SCDF stated that the firefighters, who were in full personal protective equipment (PPE) including helmets, were immediately evacuated and assessed by a paramedic.

One of the firefighters was conscious when taken to Singapore General Hospital, while the other firefighter was treated at the site for minor scratches.

Another firefighter, a full-time National Serviceman (NSF), experienced heat exhaustion and was conveyed to Singapore General Hospital.

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