Flight path of 4X-AOO according to data from FlightRadar24.

The Israeli aircraft that was flying over Singapore’s airspace recently was conducting a “commercial product demonstration”, said defence technology firm ST Engineering in response to speculation online that the flight was done for “intelligence purposes”.

According to a report by TODAY on Thursday (27 May), a spokesperson for the firm told the paper that the Boeing 737-400 aircraft operated out of the firm’s aerospace facilities in Paya Lebar.

However, TODAY reported that ST Engineering did not provide details on the nature of the commercial product demonstration of what the aircraft was carrying.

Clarifying that the demonstration was only conducted within Singapore’s airspace and territorial waters, the firm said that the demonstration is complete and preparations are being made for the aircraft to depart the country.

On Tuesday (25 May), Malaysia news outlet MalaysiaNow reported that the four-hour flight of the aircraft belonging to an Israeli defence firm in Singapore could “trigger tension between the city-state and neighbouring Muslim countries amid renewed anti-Israeli sentiments worldwide”.

The online news outlet cited Defence Security Asia, a defence news journal, which had reported that the aircraft bearing the registration number 4X-AOO belonged to a major defence contractor from Tel Aviv that specialises in intelligence, Israel Aerospace Industries-Elta (IAI-Elta).

The journal reportedly noted the possibility that the aircraft could carry sensitive radar and reconnaissance equipment, or that it might be “testing a new system”, adding that the aircraft is known as a test-bed aircraft.

Additionally, MalaysiaNow had also highlighted that the journal had quoted a source saying that the aircraft was used for “maritime patrol signal intelligence, image intelligence using synthetic aperture radar, Aircraft Early Warning and Flight Guard”. This is in addition to the missile defence systems for commercial planes.

The move of this demonstration flight was then linked by the news outlet to the announcement of the Malaysian government that it was on alert for a possible attack by Israeli agents targeting officials from the Palestinian resistance group, Hamas, who are said to be residing in Malaysia.

Malaysia’s Home Minister Hamzah Zainuddin had said, “The police, along with other security agencies, have stepped up security control in all aspects to defend public order and the safety of Malaysians, including Palestinians in this country.”

Escalating attacks by the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) on civilians and critical infrastructure in Gaza and the West Bank — the remaining vestiges of Palestinian land after 73 years — have reignited worldwide anger and sparked protests in multiple cities worldwide despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

Between 10 May to 20 May, at least 232 Palestinians including 65 children have been killed in Gaza alone since the attacks began, Al Jazeera reported the Gaza Health Ministry as saying.

Approximately 1,900 Palestinians were injured during the same period. 75,000 of them living in Gaza have been displaced from their homes as over 500 homes were destroyed.

In the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, 24 were killed — three of them children — while 4,824 were injured between 10 May to 19 May.

In Israel, twelve people, including two children, had died between 10 May to 20 May, while at least 300 Israelis had been wounded in the same period.

Even international media offices have become a target of the IDF’s airstrikes, as the building that housed the Al Jazeera and the Associated Press (AP) bureau in Gaza were destroyed on 15 May after occupants were given only an hour to evacuate.

The Israel security cabinet and Hamas last week agreed on a ceasefire. However, just hours after the truce, Israeli settlers were seen entering the compound of Al-Aqsa Mosque after Friday prayers, flanked by Israeli police.

Al Jazeera reported that hardline Israeli settler groups have called on Jewish worshippers to do so, in line with their goal to rebuild the Third Jewish Temple on the grounds of the mosque. Under the status quo affirmed in 1967, however, only Muslims can pray within al-Haram al-Sharif.

Where Malaysia has no official diplomatic relations with Israel to speak of, Singapore established bilateral ties with the nation after its secession from Malaysia in 1965.

Singapore has built extensive rapport with Israel since then, particularly in terms of military capabilities.

In the early days of Singapore’s nationhood in 1965, Israel had offered the newly independent nation assistance in setting up a Defence Ministry and armed forces, said Dhevarajan Devadas, a former research assistant at the Institute of Policy Studies in a string of tweets on 11 May.

“The first batch of SAF Officers were trained by Israeli instructors & passed out in July 1967. Singapore also adopted the National Service conscription & reservist systems used in Israel,” the historian added.

Singapore-Israel ties to date remain strong, with Singapore becoming “one of Israel’s largest arms customers, procuring US$551 million worth of weaponry from 1999-2018”, Dhevarajan noted. Such deals are, however, “generally kept low-key”.

The city-state’s support for Israel is also reflected in its abstention from the United Nations General Assembly 2012 resolution to grant Palestine the status of an observer state.

Given this relationship, tensions with neighbouring countries have run high in the past such as in 1986 when Israeli President Chaim Herzog made a visit to Singapore, sparking protests in Malaysia and Indonesia.

However, a more recent visit by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2017 did not lead to the same degree of discord in the city-state.

Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan in Jan 2018 told Parliament that while Singapore has been “a steadfast advocate of a negotiated two-state solution”, the Republic does not “take sides” in the “conflict”.

“Singapore remains a steadfast partner of the US, of Israel, and of the Palestinian people. Our longstanding bilateral relations with all countries are strong and multifaceted, and our shared interests far exceed the differences,” he added.

Dr Balakrishnan was responding to Member of Parliament Vikram Nair’s question on the reason behind Singapore’s vote in favour of a UN resolution on the status of Jerusalem, which indirectly criticised the US’ decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The decision to vote in favour of the resolution on Jerusalem’s status was a surprise, given that Singapore has typically abstained from voting on UN resolutions on Israel.

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工人党后港选区议员方荣发今日在国会提问,根据2018/2019财年审计长报告,新加坡文化、社群及青年部 (MCCY)在国家美术馆发展项目上,有1千300万新元因为合同条款中不当的豁免,多支付给承包商,为何被审计长报告指要收回可能已太迟? 对此该部部长傅海燕则回复,在检讨审计长报告后,认为有关合约条款中的豁免未涉及舞弊。她说,该部直接拨款给新加坡美术馆公司(NGS)管理,以达到效率和节约成本效果。 她解释,新加坡美术馆公司及时完成项目,且未超过5.32亿新元预算。 “1千300万元,并不是多支付的款项,而主要是“罚款豁免”(waiver of penalty),特别是针对承包商逾时完工。” 针对审计署报告,她表示文社青部会与新加坡美术馆改进其财务和采购政策。 对此方荣发询问,是否会收回1千300万元的金额?傅海燕则再次澄清,有关款项不是多付款项,而是针对大型项目的豁免。 她称,在和新加坡美术馆仔细检讨审计署报告后,认为“没有理由进行主要的索回款项,且该部也满意有关索讨和合约变更指示,是基于良好理据。” e审计署报告指出,美术馆擅自同意改变总建筑合约中的一些条款,涉及款额1300万元。不过,拥有这个项目的文社青部迟至去年9月,也就是账款结清后的一年才向美术馆提出质疑。 审计署则责难,到那时候,即便向承包商追讨款项也太迟了。虽然这个项目由美术馆以“担保有限公司”的形式管理,但文社青部仍应设立监管机制。…