The Malaysian government will begin rolling out the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine by the end of this month, said Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin on Thursday (4 Feb)....
在本次的国会会议,国会副议长暨荷兰-武吉知马集选区议员迪舒沙,询问内政部长本地目前有多少无国籍人士,以及在协助申请公民或永久居民方面,政府是否能进一步协助这批群体。 对此,内政暨律政部长尚穆根透过书面答复坦言,截至去年11月30日,本地共有1109位无国籍人士。其中,有76%具有永久居民身份,在住房、教育和医疗方面,享有与其他永久居民同等福利。 若无国籍人士申请永久居民或公民权,移民与关卡局都会依据一系列事项,审核每份申请。 这些事项就包括:无国籍人士在本地居留的时间、家庭背景、经济贡献、学历、年龄,与本地人的家庭关系等等。 同时,当局也会考量他们成为无国籍人士的原因。例如,他们选择放弃原国籍身份。或是非出于自愿失去公民权。 有者因犯罪而被原生国家剥夺国籍。 有者尽管新加坡出生,但碍于父母都不是新加坡公民,父母也未能为孩子申请祖国的公民权,而为此成为无国籍人士身份。
Singapore will be “more than capable” of handling differences “in ways that make Singapore a big-hearted home” as long as its political parties and governing institutions...
The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) evaluates every application for Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs) or Singapore Citizenship (SC) by stateless persons based on a range of...
The Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced on Thursday (4 February) that the construction of the Jurong East integrated transport hub will commerce in the Q2 of...
JAKARTA, INDONESIA — At least 14 countries — four of them ASEAN member countries — have imposed 37 import duties on Indonesia’s products, according to the...
As of Thursday noon (4 Feb), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed an additional 22 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore. This brings the total...
A mammoth effort by Australian firefighters saved homes from an out-of-control bushfire near Perth overnight, authorities said Thursday, but warned strong winds and rough terrain posed an...
A 48-year-old man was fined S$1,000 on Thursday (4 Feb) for destroying a People’s Action Party (PAP) poster during the General Election (GE) last year, in...
一名15岁英华中学(自主)学生,于本周三(3日)在参与高空探索(High-element)活动时,不幸发生事故跌下,尽管立即送院抢救,遗憾的是仍于今早逝世。 据《海峡时报》报导, 事故发生在义顺战备军人协会俱乐部(SAFRA Yishun)。这名学生相信是参与由户外探险学习中心凯美特(Camelot),举办的校园活动。 据了解,学生是在一项高空项目活动中出事。 这类活动主要用在学校营会,旨在增强学生信心。一些时候会要求参与者在穿戴头盔、安全索等设备下,在高处清除障碍。 以下是凯美特官网,显示该公司在义顺战备军人协会俱乐部的探险中心,提供攀崖和空中行走挑战( Canopy Challenge Walk )等。简介形容参与者可在15高处行走挑战。 事故发生后,活动指导也被警方问话,目前已知未涉及可疑罪行。