The decision of Petaling Jaya police chief Assistant Commissioner of Police Nik Ezanee Mohd Faisal to drop a case against an impoverished woman who was caught...
A medical assistant was found dead at the motorcycle parking lot at the Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital in the Malaysian city of Ipoh on Wednesday (20...
The Malaysia government is looking into imposing harsher penalties against individuals or companies that breach COVID-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs) by using special powers during the...
The Singapore government’s restriction on migrant workers’ freedom of movement should be measured against the country’s international law obligations, said researchers from the Singapore Management University...
The spike in COVID-19 community cases has led to a darker reality for nightlife outlets in Singapore, as the Government decided to put on hold its...
ASEAN Member States should implement stronger laws against hate speech, including comments made against people based on sexual orientation, said Malaysia’s Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin...
An elderly couple’s plan of an enjoyable day at the Jurong Bird Park by utilising its 50th anniversary promotion in the form of a S$2.50 admission...
将热腾腾的米粉汤往阿嫲嘴里送,轮椅阿嫲一直以福建话“卖呷”(不要吃)示意女佣停止,但却被女佣无视。一旁的食客目睹经过,并将女佣照片照下,希望阿嫲家能多留意。 网友Kat Boey 17日在脸书上发文,称自己目睹了一名女佣疑似粗鲁对待阿嫲的情境,希望阿嫲家人能够多留意。 据网友表示,事情发生在上周日(17日)早上10点50分,位于循环路的熟食中心。 她忆述,当时她正在排队点餐,却发现到有人将轮椅撞到我身旁的桌子旁,而老人一直遮住她的脸,并不停向女佣示意“卖呷”,但女佣一直无视她,继续将热米粉汤送入嘴中,当老人不愿意开嘴,还用汤匙不停推她的嘴巴。 老人一直不停示意女佣说不要,但女佣也只是吹一吹,然后要老人喝下。 “可是阿嫲还没吞下米粉,女佣又再次要喂阿嫲,阿嫲这时也再次挥手说不要,女佣就看似很不高兴,把汤匙和筷子丢在桌上,随后便离开。” 没过多久,女佣再次回到座位,继续尝试用之前丢在桌上的餐具喂阿嫲,阿嫲拒绝不吃,再用很愤怒的语气告诉她不要吃,且当下女佣才意识到周围人在盯着,只好推着老人离开。 目睹整个经过的网友于心不忍,表示若在大庭广众下都可以如此对待老人,很难想象只有俩人在家的时候会是怎么样,因此希望能够借此引起老人家属的关注。 贴文一出也引起许多网友的关注,截至目前已获得4千800次转载,根据网友的最新贴文,表示目前老人家属已经得知此事。
Minister for Education and Co-Chair of the Multi-Agency Taskforce for Covid-19, Lawrence Wong (Wong) has said on 18 January that the Government was considering whether additional...
As a way to encourage the public to sign-up for COVID-19 vaccinations, government officials will go door-to-door to explain the importance of taking the vaccinations as...