Minister for Manpower Josephine Teo teared up in Parliament yesterday (1 Sep) as she concluded her speech on job anxieties among Singaporeans, assuring that the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has the best interests of all workers in mind.

“Please know that you too are always in our hearts. However long this storm lasts, MOM will walk the journey together with you. However tough it may be, we will help you bounce back,” said Ms Teo in a teary tone.

Following this outwardly emotional scene in Parliament, Singapore People’s Party (SPP) member Khan Osman Sulaiman took to his Facebook earlier today (2 Sep) to say that there is no need for anyone to “cry and be emotional”, but just focus on doing the right thing.

In his post, Mr Osman outlined six suggestions on how the MOM could do better in handling the employment situation in Singapore at the moment.

Firstly, he called on the Ministry to cap the number of Employment Pass (EP) and S Pass holders to the total number of workforce.

Secondly, Mr Osman proposed that the MOM implement a 30-day requirement for job advertisements in Jobs Bank before employers can apply for an EP.

Thirdly, he recommended that the Jobs Bank be made visible and accessible only for locals and current pass holders, adding that employers’ email ought to be removed from the job advertisements in order to minimise applications from foreigners.

Mr Osman went on to suggest that the MOM set up a department to regulate and conduct a reference check on all incoming EP & S Pass holders’ certifications.

Besides that, he also called on the Government to study and implement some of the labour laws by Australia and New Zealand so as to enhance the local employment laws that are in place presently.

Finally, Mr Osman urged all parties to stop Dependant’s Pass (DP) holders from holding jobs locally.

“They are the multiplier that is robbing us of our jobs and not just PMET jobs,” he remarked.

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