Five men were arrested last Thursday (13 Aug) in an enforcement operation conducted by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) officers for suspected immigration-related offences such as overstaying/remaining in Singapore without a valid pass and employment of immigration offenders (IOs).

In a press release, the authority stated that the five men included four Bangladeshi nationals and one Singaporean, aged between 25 and 57 years.

The operation covered private residential premises in locations such as Moulmein, Novena, Geylang, and River Valley.

According to the authority, the men were found engaging in cleaning services work.

Investigations are currently ongoing.

ICA stressed that it takes a firm stance against any person who employs IOs. Under the Immigration Act (Cap 133), anyone found guilty of employing an IO shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of not less than six months and not more than two years and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $6,000.

Under the same Act, the penalties for overstaying are a jail term of up to six months plus a minimum of three strokes of the cane.

“Employers and homeowners have a role to play in ensuring the safety and security of Singapore. They are reminded to exercise due diligence in checking the status of foreigners before offering them employment or renting out their premises. Without the prospect of illegal employment or shelter, IOs would not find Singapore attractive,” the authority noted.

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