Since the launch of its car-sharing programme in 2017, electric-car sharing service BlueSG has now achieved its one-millionth rental.

According to a press release earlier today (10 Aug), BlueSG saw strong growth in membership and rentals since Singapore’s reopening on 2 June, despite the dip in business during the circuit breaker period.

The firm’s managing director, Franck Vitte, revealed to The Straits Times that the electric-cars were rented about 100,000 times a month with an increase of 4,000 subscriptions in the same time period.

BlueSG had also launched two subscription plans last December, both of them were reported to be successful.

The said subscription plans are a premium six-month membership plan at S$18 per month and a basic membership plan priced at S$8 per month. The rental rate for both plans is S$0.33 per minute.

The firm also provides other rental packages for longer rides but placed at cheaper rates. The plans are a three-hour package at S$39.90 and a five-hour package at S$49.90.

It was revealed that BlueSG now has 345 charging stations with 1,371 charging points across Singapore in public housing estates, industrial buildings, shopping malls, Changi Airport, Sentosa, as well as the city centre.

Mr Vitte noted that with the widely available stations for the Bluecars, the firm has become a “credible alternative” to private car ownership.

“With a significant number of stations located in popular and convenient locations, BlueSG has now become a credible alternative to private car ownership.”

“Surveys show that our users are using BlueSG mostly occasionally, as a complement to public transport, which was the initial objective.”

BlueSG was introduced as part of the pilot programme by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to complement the public transport network. It has now garnered more than 80,000 subscribers.

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