On Monday (29 June), former Singaporeans First (SingFirst) Secretary-General Tan Jee Say took to his Facebook to express his desire to rejoin Singapore Democratic Party (SDP).

Mr Tan noted that he has initiated contact with Dr Chee Soon Juan, the SDP’s chief, about his request to rejoin the party.

Explaining his move, he said that first of all, “the values of SDP reflect the values and beliefs” he champion for Singaporeans.

“Secondly, SDP is a great party with dynamic leadership. Over the years, I have seen the SDP grow from strength to strength. Its alternative voice is what Singaporeans need. It will be my pleasure to work with them again for the people,” Mr Tan added.

“Singapore needs a strong opposition to check the government and provide an alternative voice for the people,” he remarked.

According to the SDP’s media statement, the Party confirms that Mr Tan has applied to rejoin the Party.

“We will keep you informed of developments,” the statement read.

Mr Tan’s moves come after the dissolution of SingFirst, which has been announced on 25 June, just two weeks before the General Election.

According to Mr Tan, SingFirst’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) has decided to close down the political party.

In a statement, the Party’s chief said, “Singapore needs a strong opposition to check the Government and provide an alternative voice for the people. We believe a strong opposition is best achieved with consolidation.

“In this light, the Central Executive Committee of Singaporeans First has decided to dissolve the party.”

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