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Accused in Khoo Teck Puat Hospital shooting case faces more charges



The 23-year-old Singaporean charged with illegal discharge of a firearm – with is punishable with the death penalty – found himself facing two additional charges when he appeared before the court on Monday afternoon.

Muhammad Iskandar bin Sa’at was charged with voluntarily causing hurt to Staff Sergeant Mohammad Sadli Razali, who had also sustained gunshot wounds to his thumb and foot. A Channel NewsAsia report said that the accused had allegedly “hit the police officer multiple times with a metal pole used for securing an IV drip, and with a t-baton.”

He was also charged with resistance to lawful apprehension for his attempt to escape.

Muhammad Iskandar was then remanded to Changi Prison Complex Medical Centre for three weeks for a psychiatric assessment. His request for bail was denied as he is facing a capital charge.

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