The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) released a press statement yesterday (10 June) announcing that migrant workers who live in dormitories are returning to work after the first batch of 60 dormitories were cleared of COVID-19.

According to the statement, the dormitory operators, employers, and migrant workers from 40 out of 60 dormitories have completed all the “necessary preparations” to resume working as of Tuesday (9 June).

About 5,500 residents were reported to have gone back to work.

The three-step “necessary preparations” were listed in the statement, explaining what was required to be done in order to allow the migrant workers to resume work.

The first point mentioned that dormitory operators are expected to arrange staggered pick-up and drop-off timing with the employers.

Employers are also required to confirm or update the residential addresses of their workers on the MOM database.

Last but not least, the migrant workers are to download the FWMOMCare app to update their health status and report residence location that matches employers’ and dormitory operators’ records. They are also required to download the TraceTogether app to facilitate contact tracing.

The remaining 20 dormitories that have yet to get the green light to resume operation did not complete all three steps that were described above.

The Ministry explained that the delay in approval was due to mismatches in addresses provided by employers in the Online Foreign Worker Address System (OFWAS), dormitory operators’ records, and migrant workers through FWMOMCare app. The other reason cited was not all migrant workers have downloaded the required mobile apps for health reporting and contact tracing.

The MOM and Inter-agency Task Force (ITF) have announced the AccessCode feature on the SGWorkPass mobile app for all work pass holders. This feature will enable dormitory operators, employers, and workers to check on the workers’ work status.

It is said that the 5,500 workers who were approved to go back to work have a “Green” AccessCode status displayed on their SGWorkPass app.

For the workers with “Red” AccessCode status, it indicates that they are still not allowed to resume working.

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