Singapore Flag on the mast (Image by Creative photo Corner /

A month ago (25 April), President Halimah Yacob stated in a Facebook post that members of the public have voiced their intention to hang Singapore’s national flag at their homes in light of the difficult times caused by COVID-19.
She said that Singaporeans have requested for the flag to be displayed longer at their homes after the National Day period, and called for the Government to consider such a request.
“Our National Flag signifies Singaporeans’ resilience, unity and future. Usually, it is flown at our residences across our island only during the National Day period,” she wrote.
She added, “In view of this difficult time of COVID-19, many Singaporeans have asked to be allowed to display our Flag beyond the usual period, so that we can express our unity with one another. I’m heartened by the desire of Singaporeans to show our solidarity.”
As such, the President noted that the Government has considered the request, and even put up a proposal, which the President supported.
Given the challenging time that Singapore is facing due to the deadly pandemic, President Halimah expressed that she is “confident with our collective courage and tenacity”, adding that Singapore will be able to get through this together.
“Like it did during our early years of independence, I am certain that our Flag will inspire the best from us. So let us stay united as we overcome this pandemic together, and emerge stronger as one people,” she remarked.

Below average response from the public

For those who are unaware, the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) revealed that every household in Singapore can display the national flag at their houses from now until 20 September 2020, as part of a community initiative during this tough period.
MCCY said on its website that for those who are not able to get hold of the flag at the moment can get complimentary flags mailed to them from the Ministry. All they have to do is register online to receive one flag per household.
The application starts from today (27 May) and ends next Wednesday (3 June).
However, TOC understands that there are hardly any flags hung out by residents at their homes since the President made her call on Facebook last month.
In fact, some do not have flags to put up, while some cannot be bothered to display the national flag to show solidarity in the battle against the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

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