
The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) has ordered several motor workshops to continue operation although a few days before they had been told to shut down to observe the stricter measures against COVID-19.
To notify customers, these workshops are sending out a round of e-mails informing them of the latest order by MTI.
“This is regarding the earlier notification you received to rescind earlier exemption from suspension. We would like to inform you that (name of company) may continue with operations for the duration of the circuit breaker,” MIT stated in its email to workshop operators such as Nissan dealer Tan Chong Motors, BMW agent Performance Motors and multi-franchise Wearnes Automotive.
Upon receiving the latest news, companies are confused. “We’re not sure what is happening. This is a roller coaster,” one company expressed.
When asked regarding the sudden change in stance, an MTI spokesman replied on Wednesday (28 April) evening that MIT recognises these workshops as essential service that provides recovery and repair services for emergency vehicles.
“Accordingly, we have allowed workshops that provide such services to continue to operate during this period,” the spokesperson added.
Such services have long been provided by several of the workshops, as they were given notice to shut down in 48 hours over the weekend and on Monday (26 April). For example, ambulances are sold by Wearnes and Tan Chong.
MTI’s latest notice also reminded companies to implement “strict safe distancing measures within their premises, and for company-arranged transport” so that ”social interactions among workers during their course of work, as well as during their meal and break times” can be reduced.
Earlier, MIT had revoked its permission to operate for several workshops in order to minimize the movement of people so that the spread of COVID-19 can be contained.

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