Photo by: SBS Transit Ltd

Viral footage of an SBS Transit Ltd worker being escorted to the hospital by paramedics wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) was not a COVID-19 case, but a case of Ménière’s disease which the worker has, according to SBS.

Earlier on Wednesday (25 March), an SBS staff was seen unconscious in a video while a few paramedics dressed in PPE were placing him in a wheelchair.

The video has been making rounds on social media and had raised speculations among the netizens that it was a COVID-19 case.

Following that, TOC has sent a media query to SBS on Wednesday pertained to the footage.

SBS responded to the media query on Thursday (26 March) and clarified that the staff was not infected with the COVID-19 virus but was sent to the hospital due to his Ménière’s disease.

“We understand the concern of members of public and wish to share that our staff who was sent to the hospital has Ménière’s disease and was not feeling well while at work,” SBS stated.

Ménière’s disease is an inner-ear condition that can cause vertigo, a sensation of spinning which leads to a hearing problem and a ringing sound in the ear.

SBS further noted that the worker is now on medical leave and is resting at home.

Meanwhile, SBS also made a clarification on its Facebook on Wednesday (25 March), saying, “There is a video going round of one of our staff who was sent to the hospital yesterday. He has Ménière’s disease and was not feeling well while at work yesterday.”

SBS added, “Under ordinary circumstances we would certainly not be posting this but as this video is going viral, we thought it better we assure our commuters that it was not a case of COVID-19.”

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