BBC reported yesterday (21 Feb) that South Korea has stepped up measures to contain the spread of the deadly new coronavirus, as confirmed infections continue to increased sharply.

Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun said it was now an emergency as 100 new cases were confirmed along with the country’s second death due to the virus.

South Korea which has a population of over 51 million, now has a total of more than 200 cases.

Many South Koreans are wearing masks on a daily basis. Warning signs from South Korean authorities are everywhere.

The signs read, “Three ways to prevent further infection: wear a mask at all times; wash your hands properly with soap for more than 30 seconds; and cover yourself when coughing.”

Koreans have also developed several apps and websites that tell you how much risk you face where you are. They show where the infected people are within a 10km radius.

The southern cities of Daegu and Cheongdo have been declared “special care zones”. The streets of Daegu are now largely abandoned.

All military bases are in lockdown after three soldiers tested positive. The South Korean authorities suspect the current outbreak originated in Cheongdo.

Meanwhile in Singapore, the government had earlier advised Singaporeans not to wear a mask if one is well, putting up ads on major newspapers. But it has toned down such calls after the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) was raised to Orange on 7 Feb.

Leaked audio recording of Chan Chun Sing

In fact, in a closed-door meeting at the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI), attended only by a group of businessmen and grassroots leaders, Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing went on to disclose to them why the government is not in favor of Singaporeans wearing masks if they are deemed well.

In a leaked audio recording, Mr Chan can be heard saying, “Whether we have sufficient masks or not will depend on three factors: How much we have in our physical stockpile, our usage rate, and our resupply quantum and frequency.”

“We will have enough if we manage these three factors appropriately,” he asserted.

Mr Chan said that if Singapore follows Hong Kong’s leader, where political leaders appear at events wearing a mask, that would cause panic among the people and subsequently lead to a severe shortage of masks as everyone would use it “like tissue paper”.

He said, “If every Singaporean uses a surgical mask, one day we will burn five million masks, if not more. Since we don’t know how long we got to fight this war and the supply line has [been] cut already, [we must] conserve the surgical mask to make sure our medical system can still work.”

In other words, the Singapore government has only accumulated 5 million masks over the years for emergency use and they may not be enough for all if everyone starts using them daily like “tissue paper”.


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【大选】执政党”非选区议员“论误导选民 陈清木强调议员要有民意做靠山

对于近期许多行动党候选人打出“在野党当非选区议员”的论述,新加坡前进党(PSP)党魁陈清木医生认为,这可能是要怂恿选民不投票支持在野党,误以为即使败选,在野党也能以非选区身份入国会。 “我认为这是诱使民众投票给行动党的策略,因为能为(为在野党)保留12个非选区议席”。 陈清木提醒,若选民真的想国会中有一名真正的代议士,那么请投票送那个人进国会,让他拥有人民的支持做靠山。这是非常重要的。“如果你没有选民支持做基础,你很难发挥民选议员的功能。你不能只是一个虚设,要做就做真正的议员。” 他指出,虽然其他政党的议员可以,但若是他,他宁可不要。 他今天(7月2日)和前进党候选人罗舒玉在杨厝港单选区拜访民众时,如是对记者指出。 非选区议员是在2016年修订,以确保在人民行动党赢得所有议席的情况下,仍会保留席位给反对党,席位也从原本的九个改为12个。有关的席位将会提供给在大选期间,获得最高票数的反对党候选人。 曾是行动党议员的他,是针对李显龙于周二提到,非选区议员是为了在投票权充分发挥下,国会内拥有最具影响力的反对党代表一说做出回应。 陈清木在此次大选中,率领前进党团队出战西海岸集选区,直接对垒行动党的易华仁和陈智陞等人。他认为,拥有选区支持,即表示议员适合人民息息相关的,他要为自己的选区负责。“这是你所代表的基层人们,让你成为不一样的国会议员,因为你能接触到、聆听到和了解到基层的情况。你有说话的力量。” 他强调,这是完全不一样的。“因此我相信,若我的人要进到国会,他们就应该赢得代表人民的权力。” 只是他补充道,若党员有机会以非选区议员步入国会,那么他将交由党员自己决定。