After the Budget address on Tuesday (18 Feb), Hari V. Krishnan, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of PropertyGuru Group, Southeast Asia’s leading property-technology company, expressed delight with the newly announced measures by the Government on its commitment towards a sustainable future in Singapore.

During the Budget address, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat delivered a comprehensive plan which addresses both near-term uncertainties (COVID-19) and long-term challenges (global economy).

From deepening capabilities to retraining workers, DPM Heng announced a slew of measures aimed at driving Singapore’s transformation and growth across industries and enterprises in the new decade. The efforts will also help build a liveable and sustainable Singapore in the face of climate change – with new initiatives such as the HDB Green Towns Programme.

Commenting on the sustainability initiatives announced, Mr Krishnan said, “The new measures announced – such as the progressive phasing out of vehicles with internal combustion engines (ICEs), speak volumes of the Government’s commitment towards a sustainable future in Singapore. We are delighted with the Government’s move to go beyond policy measures and mobilise Singaporeans in the effort to address climate change.”

Mr Krishnan went on to say that the incentivisation of sustainable practices was something the company was hoping to see. He also shared that the company believes that the incentives announced (to help lower-income households with the cost of energy-efficient household appliances) is a step in the right direction.

Besides that, the company is looking forward to seeing the positive impact that the HDB Green Towns programme will bring, as it strives to collectively fight climate change.

“As we step into a new decade, it is time for home and hearth to come together to build an effective and sustainable world for us and the future generations. Singapore has the opportunity to take a leadership position on urban living in Asia by evolving our current policies to better encourage and reward property developers that champion sustainable practices across all elements of their projects. These initiatives and grants should also benefit those purchasing and investing in green developments,” he added.

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