Mongolia has closed its border crossings with China to cars, temporarily shut schools and suspended public events to prevent a deadly virus from reaching its soil,...
Malaysia banned visitors from the Chinese city of Wuhan and its surrounding Hubei province on Monday, in a bid to contain the spread of a deadly virus....
France will fly home its citizens who wish to leave the Chinese city of Wuhan at the centre of a coronavirus outbreak that has sickened thousands...
Anxious foreigners in the locked-down city that spawned China’s deadly viral epidemic say they are stranded at home, running out of food and desperate to leave,...
A petition, “Ban Travellers From China Entering Singapore!” that was created about a day ago, calls for the Singapore government to ban travellers from China from...
In the wake of rising casualties from the Wuhan virus and over 2,000 people infected up until now, Singapore’s multi-ministry task force which was set up...
According to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report, Singapore is less prepared compare to neighbouring countries such as Thailand and Malaysia to stand against a major...
On Sunday (26 Jan), an online petition calling for the ban of Chinese Nationals from entering Malaysia has been launched which has garnered the support of...
by Leo Ramirez China on Monday extended its biggest national holiday to buy time in the fight against a viral epidemic, as the death toll spiked...
据了解,马来西亚首相办公室宣布,即日起暂停为来自武汉和湖北游客,提供包括电子免签登记系统(eNTRI)、落地签证、电子签证和普通签证(visa manual)的入境便利。 相信此举是为应对2019年新型冠状病毒扩散周边地区的措施。 关文告称,马国政府是根据世界卫生组织规定程序以及专家意见,防堵疾病传播。 与此同时文告也呼吁各造停止散播未经证实假消息,避免引起社会恐慌。 邻国马来西亚是在本月25日,确认在柔佛州出现共四宗病例。其中三人与上述新加坡首宗确诊病例有亲属关系。三人是病患的妻子,和两名分别为两岁及11岁男孙。 他们一行10人在本月20日,从广州乘机飞抵新加坡渡假。之后66岁病患和儿子在本地确诊患武汉肺炎。 据了解有马国民众在网络发起联署,要求马国政府立即禁止中国公民入境马国,避免武汉肺炎散播。 截至今午(27日),该联署已累积超过36万9千网民参与联署。