Image from Zedtown

A zombie apocalypse hit the National Stadium last Saturday (26 Oct) with over 1,200 survivors joining hands to defend Singapore’s shores in Asia’s first live-action zombie survival game, Zedtown Asia: Battle for Singapore.
After two sessions of the apocalyptic wave, one from 12pm to 3pm and the other from 6.30pm to 9.30pm, only 53 participants (Survivors) made it to the very end – eight of whom participated in the afternoon session and the other 45 from the night session.
Zedtown Asia: Battle for Singapore marked the 34th installment of the immersive Survivor vs. Zombie gaming experience, which has seen thousands battle it out across Australia and America since the game’s inception in 2012.

Image from Zedtown
Like previous Zedtown games, the Survivors will split into three factions: Red, Blue, and Gold. The game begins as soon as the Zombies are released, whereby the Survivors will then sprint off in all directions in a bid to set up their bases.
During the intense 3-hour battle, the Survivors will complete various missions and challenges, all while fending off attacks with their NERF blasters, not only from the Zombie horde but also from other Survivor groups.
About 30 participants signed up as “Zombies”; and with the help of professional make-up artists, they were transformed into the creepy undead – like the ones you see in The Walking Dead.
Image from Zedtown
“It was so exhilarating that the human race came together to complete various missions and challenges. It was a very well thought through game and I thoroughly enjoyed myself,” exclaimed 38-year-old Chanderni Polo Yeap, participant at Zedtown Asia: Battle for Singapore.
Nur Syafiqah, 21, also commented: “I had such a fun experience at Zedtown. I didn’t expect it to be so intense where you see some people really put in everything they have into the game – from their outfits, blasters and energy. It was really enjoyable, and I’d highly recommend for people to compete at Zedtown.”
Image from Zedtown
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