(Image by Singapore Police Force)

The police have arrested 148 people during a three-day operation conducted by the Central Police Division at public entertainment outlets.
The operation took place from 22 to 24 August at outlets along Jalan Besar, Foch Road, Beach Road, Sam Leong Road, Jalan Sultan, North Bridge Road, South Bridge Road, New Bridge Road, Serangoon Road, Arab Street and Magazine Road, said the police in a statement on Sunday (27 August).
The police found 19 outlets which contravened licensing conditions. Additionally, officers arrested 144 women aged between 19 and 41 as well as two men aged 25 and 35, for offences under the Foreign Manpower Employment Act.
Another 27-year-old man was arrested for obstructing police officers for carrying out official duties while a 24-year-old man was arrested for employing foreigners without work permits.
The statement said, “Actions will be taken against the operators for flouting the rules and regulations Public Entertainment Act.”
“The Police take a serious view against anyone involved in criminal activities and will continue to take tough enforcement actions against those found breaking the law,” it added.
Investigations are still ongoing.

Similar operations earlier this year

In August, 30 people were arrested at public entertainment outlets which were found to have contravened licensing conditions. This happened after a two-day operation at Middle Road and South Bridge Road.
On 10 and 11 July, eight women and one man, aged between 29 and 56, were arrested in a similar series of enforcement operations against massage establishments and public entertainment outlets along Jalan Besar, Petain Road, Serangoon Road, Beach Road, Jalan Sultan and Prinsep Street.
And on 20 and 21 June June, 10 women, aged between 25 and 43, were arrested during a two-day operation against massage establishments and public entertainment outlets along Rangoon Road, Maude Road, Magazine Road, Anson Road, South Beach Road and Chinatown on 20 and 21 June 2019. Of the women who were caught, three were arrested for offences under the Women’s Charter.

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取消分流制旨在消除歧视 媒体人默乐促勿打击好学生士气

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