On Wednesday (24 July), Huawei announced that it will be selling its popular casual smartphone series, the Huawei Y6 Pro 2019, at a discounted price of S$54 (retail price at $198) to commemorate the Singapore’s 54th birthday.
The exclusive promotion is only applicable to Singapore citizens and permanent residents aged 50 and above, and is valid from 26th to 28th July 2019 at all Huawei Concept Stores island-wide and selected retailers, while stocks last.
Well, the first day of the promotion has arrived, and as many predicted, every Huawei outlet was greeted with large crowds of Singaporeans, all queuing up to get their hands on the discounted smartphone. In fact, it was noted that the queues outside the outlets started forming as early as 4.00am.

Image from Dave Wu
Image from Dave Wu
Image from Dave Wu
However, stocks of the phone ran out at all outlets as soon as the doors were opened, while some outlets were sold out even before they were officially opened.
Although each customer, according to the terms and conditions of the promotion, is allowed to buy up to two phones, it is rather unfortunate that nearly hundreds of customers went home empty-handed.
What’s more, the customers were told by Huawei employees that only 20 to 30 units were allocated to each outlet.
Image from Dave Wu
Subsequently, Huawei Mobile made an announcement on Facebook at about 10.30am earlier, stating that all of its Huawei Y6 Pro 2019 units have been sold out “due to overwhelming demand”.
Hence, everyone is advised not to head over to any of Huawei’s 27 outlets as this promotion is no longer applicable.
Huawei also extended an apology to everyone for the disappointing news, and thanked all those who showed up for their support.
Huawei later added that it is working with the Singapore Police Force on crowd control, as there are still many people queuing outside the stores. Meanwhile, a number of Huawei stores and service centres will be closing for the day due to safety and security reasons.

While netizens are left angered and frustrated, Huawei has just issued another promotion to make amends for today’s unexpected turn of events.
Continuing to celebrate the spirit of National Day festivities, Huawei is now offering its flagship Huawei Mate 20 for only S$568 (retail price of S$998) at all Challenger stores starting from tomorrow (27 July), while stocks last.

Let’s just hope there will be enough stock for everyone this time.
[UPDATE] – 26th July, 2:18pm
Yet another unexpected turn of events as Huawei just revealed that the newly introduced promotion for its flagship Huawei Mate 20 at S$568 has been cancelled as of Friday afternoon (26 July).
In response to the cancellation of promotions, its spokesperson said that the company will continue to review other possibilities to create attractive offers for all.

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