Image from Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF)

A fire broke out at a two-storey shophouse along 14 Dickson Road in Little India on Thursday afternoon (16 May).

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said in a Facebook post that it responded to a fire at 14 Dickson Road at about 2.50pm, and the fire was extinguished at approximately 4.10pm.

“12 emergency vehicles and about 40 firefighters were deployed to mitigate the fire. At the height of the operations, 6 handheld jets were used to bring the fire under control,” SCDF added.

There were no reported injuries from the incident.

Image via @johnnytheessex/Twitter
Image via SCDF
Image via SCDF

Footage of the blaze posted on social media showed thick grey smoke rising into the air.

SCDF also uploaded a short footage on Twitter, capturing a firefighter in action during the damping down operations.

Watch the video compilation here:


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