Earlier this evening (22 April), local insurance giant Great Eastern has made the decision to suspend their financial advisor with Advisors’ Clique, Nicholas Lim Jun Kai,...
Minister of Education, Ong Ye Kung has just posted on his Facebook page on Monday evening to announce that he has spoken to the President of...
The buzz generated by the Singapore Bicentennial 2019 has ignited curiosity and much re-evaluation about Singapore’s long and rich history. Yet what does (de)colonisation truly mean,...
NUS Dean of Students Assoc Prof Peter Pang has announced that a town hall will be organised between NUS management and students later this week, said...
The civil aviation authorities from both Singapore and Malaysia will be meeting some time this week to discuss the implementation of the new Global Positioning System...
A 17-year old student has developed a tool to help people discern if an article they find online is authentic or not. Liu Haohui who does...
Following the story of a National University of Singapore (NUS) student, Monica Baey, calling out the school for not giving out a stronger punishment to the...
There is no particular law that expressly prohibits the Law Society to publish its views regarding the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill, says Director...
据了解,涉及偷拍风波的男生,已遭其所任职的保险公司大东方勒令停职。 新加坡大东方保险公司,今午透过脸书专页发文表示,理解有关偷拍风波涉及旗下一名财务规划师Nicholas Lim,已命令他停职,而后者也已呈辞。 Nicholas Lim停学期间,到大东方工作。 该公司表示,强烈反对旗下财务规划师,涉及任何不当行为,且会毫不犹豫采取行动。 逾四万人联署 另一方面,在请愿专页change.org,出现两份要求警方重新开档调查涉偷拍国大生、并予以重罚的联署声明,两份联署各获得两万9718人和1万1582人签名支持。 其中一份声明谴责涉及性骚扰者未被严惩,并质疑此次风波不过是院方扫在地毯下的众多个案冰山一角,不愿承认他们无力对付那些利用女同学来满足自己欲望的加害者。 其中一位联署发起人在声明中认为,不应因为出生而对犯同样罪行的人有差别待遇,例如一名外籍工人Manikandan过去因为偷窥而被严惩。但是,即便获得完整教育福利的大学生,若作出同样行为,至少获得应得的惩罚。 对于各界的呼声,国立大学校方也终于同意,在本月25日下午5时,在校内UTown视听室召开对话会,与师生讨论针对应对校内性骚扰问题进行对话,同时校方组成检讨委员会,加入校方和学生会成员商议性骚扰问题对策。
by Brad Bowyer On this Easter Sunday, I can’t help but think of its meaning and how that applies to the current situation we now face...