A group of elderly Chinese ladies sitting and relaxing on a bench in a park in Serangoon Gardens with soft early morning light (Photo by Justin Adam Lee from Shutterstock.com).

The Ministry of Finance says that almost 500,000 Merdeka Generation seniors will receive their Welcome Folder and Card starting from late June 2019 and

Singaporeans seniors who are eligible for the Merdeka Generation Package, will receive letters by end April 2019, informing them of their eligibility.

Citizens can also check their eligibility for the Package online at www.merdekageneration.sg.

The ministry stated that the Merdeka Generation Package aims to encourage our seniors to stay active and healthy, as well as providing greater assurance with healthcare costs in their silver years as announced at Budget 2019.

The criteria to be eligible to receive the package are those who were born from 1 January 1950 to 31 December 1959 and became Singapore citizens by 31 December 1996.

The ministry noted that the Merdeka Generation Package will also be extended to those who were born on 31 December 1949 or earlier, became Singapore citizens by 31 December 1996, and do not receive the Pioneer Generation Package.

The ministry noted that no action is needed at this time for eligible seniors to receive their benefits.

The ministry stated that the mandate of the existing Pioneer Generation Appeals Panel will be expanded to consider appeals for the Merdeka Generation Package, which will be renamed the Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation Appeals Panel.

The Appeals Panel will be chaired by Mr Timothy James de Souza, with Mr James Koh Cher Siang and Ms Lim Soo Hoon as Deputy Chairpersons.

Mr Timothy is a member of the Presidential Council of Minority Rights and People’s Association (PA) Board, and Trustee of the Eurasian Association (EA).

Mr James is an Independent Director of United Overseas Bank (UOB), former Chairman of the Housing Development Board (HDB), and former Permanent Secretary of Education, Community Development and National Development.

Ms Lim is a Senior Advisor at the MOF, and former Permanent Secretary of Finance, Public Service Division and Community, Youth and Sports.

The ministry also said that Singapore citizens born on or earlier than 1959, who missed the citizenship criterion (i.e. became Singapore citizens after 31 December 1996) and have good claims to be counted among the Merdeka Generation, can submit an appeal for the Package.

Appeals will be considered on a case-by-case basis, the ministry noted.

However, the Appeals Panel stressed that it will not consider appeals from those who miss out on the age criterion (i.e. born after 31 December 1959).

Appeals may be sent to [email protected].

Members of the public can find more details on the Merdeka Generation Package at www.merdekageneration.sg.

Those with further queries on the Merdeka Generation Package can contact the authority at 1800 2222 888 (general enquiries), 1800 650 6060 (healthcare enquiries) or [email protected].

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