Images from Vegnesh Jodimani / Facebook

Facebook user Vegnesh Jodimani shared a shocking discovery on Saturday, 2 March after returning from the supermarket. He had bought a packet of House Brand basmati rice and discovered a dead rat inside which left his entire home smelling of decay.

He had bought the House Brand rice from a Sheng Siong Supermarket at Block 739, Bedok Reservoir Road and didn’t discover the rat until after they got home and opened the packet.

House Brand is a Singaporean brand under KNP Trading Pte Ltd of which the managing director is Mr Narayanan Jayakumar. The company sells over fifty different products including spices and rice.

Mr N Jayakumar is also a People’s Action Party (PAP) activist. He was amongst the Party Activist honoured in 2018 at the Annual PAP Awards and Convention for his work as a PAP activist in the Chong Pang Branch.

In his post, Mr Vegnesh said he has reported the incident to the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) and Seng Siong management. They supermarket manager told him that they will remove their stock of that particular brand of rice from that store.

Will the relevant government agencies take action against this senior grassroots leader’s company for this rat in rice fiasco?

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