Mr Lee Hsien Yang (LHY), younger Brother of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, asks point blank to citizens if the current ruling government is the kind of government that they want.

LHY’s startling question comes as he states how the Attorney General Chambers has been prosecuting his son Li ShengWu (LSW) for the past 18 months over a private Facebook post.

He shares that AGC is arguing at the upcoming Court of Appeal hearing to apply the new law regarding contempt of court on LSW retrospectively and goes on to highlight that AGC’s actions only started shortly after PM Lee declared himself as innocent against all allegations made by his two siblings in June 2017.

LHY and his Sister, Dr Lee Weiling in their controversial public statement, claimed that PM Lee and his wife, Ho Ching abused the state organs against the two on the matter of 38 Oxley Road.

LSW was prosecuted for contempt of court by AGC on 13 November 2017 and the papers were served to him overseas in United States which LSW’s Lawyers have contested the legality of AGC’s action.

For context, the post which LSW made privately on his Facebook wall was dated 15 July 2017 while the new law, Administration of Justice Act came into operation on 1 October 2017.

A short but damning Facebook post by LHY, given that the ruling government that he is criticising is the same government that his Father, late Lee Kuan Yew painstakingly built with other founding Politicians since the country’s independence, save for the totally different political leaders serving under his brother.

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