Leader of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), Dr Chee Soon Juan posted a video on his Facebook page just 2 hours ago and it’s starting to garner a lot of attention on social media. The video is a cut of a speech being made by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong spliced with statistical data and anecdotes that essentially contradict or debunks the things that PM Lee is saying.

Starting and ending with a cut of Minister Chan Chun Sing of the ruling People’s Action Party saying, ‘but be careful, don’t anyhow say things just because it’s election season’, the 5-minute video details the seemingly contradictory promises that PM Lee is making and the reality of the Singaporean lifestyle.

The video which has been viewed over 37k times at shared over 1600 times (at the time this article was written) has also been commented on by many Singaporeans who are fervently agreeing to the claims implied in the video that PM Lee is simply making empty promises in the run up to elections.

Others were calling for Singaporeans to make a difference in the polls during the next election.

On the other hand, there are or two who agreed with the message but not with how it was delivered, preferring instead that the SDP focused its videos on how they could help the people of Singapore instead of just pointing out the flaws of their opponents.

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