Pink Dot, held at Hong Lim Park May 16, 2009 in Singapore

Pink Dot, Singapore’s most prominent lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride event, has gathered 70 percent of the total sponsorship dollars from local businesses compared to the amount it got last year with four months left to the event.
On June last year, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) stated that foreign entities should not interfere in its domestic issues, especially political issues or controversial social issues with political overtones and that it will take steps to make it clear that foreign entities should not fund, support or influence events such as Pink Dot SG held at the Speakers’ Corner.
The Government said that these are political, social or moral choices for Singaporeans to decide for ourselves.
It also said if it relates to controversial social or political issues, which really are a matter for Singaporeans, then it is unlikely the foreigners will get a permit.
This year, the organiser for the event have three options for the donation line, $1,000, $5,000, or $10,000. These are smaller donation amounts provided as compared to last year’s event, $7,000 or $10,000.
However, the organiser was quite surprised as there are 50 businesses who were willing to donate to the event compared to only 18 companies last year, including 13 foreign entities, such as Twitter, Google, Facebook, and Goldman Sachs. The official site for sponsorships can be found here.
Pink Dot event is now in its ninth year. It had intended to run this year’s event “bare bones”, similar to its first one in 2009.
Some of the local company were featured on Pink Dot’s official web for supporting the event, including, Carrie K., Wobe, and Edible Garden City.
Darius Cheung, CEO of said that the diversity of thoughts, experience, and beliefs within their team have benefitted all of them at the company.
“We believe that this same open-mindedness and inclusiveness at the societal level can only better us as a nation,” he said.
“It is ultimately our choices and our actions that reveal our true values. We could passively watch or we could boldly take a stand. Join us in spreading acceptance and stand against discrimination and be part of the movement that’s helping our society progress to be more open, understanding, and inclusive,” he added.
Mr Cheung also reaches out to local firms by building its website in which companies can donate through in hopes to raise $150,000 for the event.

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