A collision took place at Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE), where the vehicles were heading towards Tuas after the Jurong Town Hall Road exit, on Thursday (5 January) during morning peak hour, injuring 11 people.
Singapore Police Force (SPF) said that it was alerted to the incident at 6.58am.
Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) stated that all of the victims were conveyed to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital. It also dispatched a fire engine, three ambulances and a support vehicle to the scene.
The accident involved a motorcycle, two cars, a lorry and a minibus. According to The Straits Times, 10 of those who were injured were from the minibus, while the last one was inside one of the cars.
It said that a lorry switched lanes and nearly hit the motorcyclist, who swerved into another lane. The lorry braked to avoid the motorcycle. However, three other vehicles then went into a collision.
Land Transport Authority (LTA) tweeted that motorists should avoid lanes 1, 2, and from Penjuru Road Exit until Buona Vista Exit since there was a heavy congestion due to the incident.
The Police are investigating the case.

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