The husband of the accused murderer for the death of a Myanmar domestic helper was also brought to court yesterday (11 August).

The man who is also a policeman, was arrested and brought to court to face charges of his own for helping his wife and mother-in-law in the murder of their Myanmar domestic helper, Piang Ngaih Don, 24.

Staff Sergeant Kevin Chelvam (37) faced four charges, including lying to the police about a CCTV camera installed in the Bishan flat where the helper was murdered.

Chelvam and his mother-in-law Prema S Naraynasamy are being accused to have removed the CCTV camera from the crime scene on 26 July, which shows evidence of the crime of Prema and her daughter, Gaiyathiri Murugayan. He told the police that the camera had been removed six months before.

Prema and Gaiyathiri, who have been in custody since the murder charge, has already been brought to court. They are charged of causing the death of Piang Ngaih Don at the family’s Bishan flat sometime between 25 and 26 July.

Chelvam is also charged of assaulting Piang Ngaih Don on 23 July by hitting her shoulder with a toy bat, and on 24 June, by grabbing her by the hair and lifting her body off the ground.

The Court has agreed to the prosecutor Tang Sang Jun plea to have mother and daughter remanded for three weeks in Changi Medical Center to undergo psychiatric evaluations.

The accused, who has two children with Gaiyathiri, 36, will be represented by defense lawyer Sunil Sudheesan, who has also taken up the cases of Chelvam’s wife and mother in law.

Their cases will next be heard on 1 September.

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) said Chelvam had been suspended since Monday.

“Officers of the SPF are expected to uphold the law and set a good example by maintaining high standards of discipline and integrity,” he said.

“Officers who commit offences will be charged in court and dealt with in accordance with the law.”


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