From this July onwards, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) will implement a unified rank structure to allow for faster career progression for its officers.
Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam outlined this new rank structure at the SPF Workplan Seminar held last month.
“A Police career has to be meaningful and exciting, one that is able to attract and retain good people,” he said.
“SPF will implement a new unified rank structure, and expert tracks in specialist domain areas. We have decided to invest more in our police officers to support their learning and professional development.”
The move allows all officers in the SPF to start on common ground on the same career track, regardless of whether an individual is a graduate or non-graduate.
Currently, non-graduates start as lower-ranking junior officers. For a polytechnic diploma holder, it can currently take up to 18 years to become an inspector, which is the starting rank for a degree-holder.
Additionally, officers on expert tracks in specialist domain areas will begin to be appointed around September this year. These officers will work in areas of investigations, intelligence or special operations.
The SPF aims to recruit more newcomers as well as to retain experienced talent through the new rank structure.
“Attracting suitable men and women to join the police force is not easy and this has become even more challenging with the shrinking resident workforce,” said SPF’s director of manpower and Senior Assistant Commissioner Tan Hung Hooi.

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自6月18日起 所有入境旅客需须自费检测费用

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日前,两名国人在义顺组屋内被查获种植大麻,今日其中一名嫌犯被控有关罪行。 44岁的雅塔木(译名,Artamu Ibrahim)被指在义顺街31号336A组屋内,7月至9月9日期间种植两株大麻。 据《滥用药物法》(Misuse of Drugs Act),大麻被列为是A等级的受管制药物之一。一旦被查获种植大麻,恐将面临最低3年最高20年监禁或重罚5000至4万新元,或两者兼施。 另名被查获种植大麻的女嫌犯仍未被起诉。 据悉,移民与关卡局先在寄往本地的包裹中侦测到疑似用于吸毒的玻璃器皿,便通报中央萧毒局前往检定,随后萧毒局官员发现除了玻璃器皿外,还有一个临时温室,两株大麻以及其关于如何种植大麻的指示。 两名嫌犯均于周一被查获,而其中一名嫌犯雅塔木已被还押,并将于9月18日返回法庭。