Aprilia Santini Manganang from the Indonesian volleyball team (Image – Desmond Foo, The Straits Times)
Aprilia Santini Manganang from the Indonesian volleyball team (Image - Desmond Foo, The Straits Times)
Aprilia Santini Manganang from the Indonesian volleyball team (Image – Desmond Foo, The Straits Times)

She has apparently been cleared by a world governing body for volleyball to play in the women’s volleyball match between Indonesia and the Philippines, but the opposing team has requested for Singapore’s SEA Games organising committee to conduct a gender test on Indonesia’s Aprilia Santini Manganang.

SINGSOC has since rejected the appeal, with a spokesperson saying that “SINGSOC has been informed by the South East Asian Games Federation medical committee that they have reviewed the documents submitted by the Indonesian volleyball team and that the appeal has since been rejected.”

The appeal was submitted earlier on Tuesday by Philippine Chef de Mission, Julian G Camacho, who requested for the test on Ms Manganang because of her appearance and physique, which was described some as being “too manly”.

“She’s very powerful, it’s like putting a male in the female division,” Inquirer.net quoted Philippine volleyball coach Roger Gorayeb.

At 1.7m and 68kg, 23 yeard-old Ms Manganang was much bigger than her opponents.

The Indonesian volleyball were booed both before and during the match by more than 500 spectators, who mainly supported the Philippines, but nevertheless beat them 25-22, 25-20, 25-14 on Wednesday, 10 June.

Ms Manganang played in all three sets for Indonesia, and won 13 points, the most for the team.

Adapted from media reports.

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