remains critical

The Prime Minister Office (PMO) has released another update on the medical condition of Singapore’s former Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew.

In the statement, it states that Mr Lee remains critically ill and added that the current Prime Minister, Mr Lee Hsien Loong would like to thank the public for their support and good wishes.

Local and international media went into a frenzy after PMO released a statement on Wednesday, saying that “Mr Lee Kuan Yew remains critically ill in the ICU and has deteriorated further.” and gathered at the Singapore General Hospital (SGH) where Mr Lee Kuan Yew is said to be warded for updates on his condition.

Rumors about Mr Lee’s condition also went around which PMO had since rejected as lies.

status LKY
Updates on Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s medical condition

Since Wednesday, PMO has indicated that Mr Lee Kuan Yew remains criticially ill and has not reported any improvements to his condition.

Mr Lee Kuan Yew, 91 years old has been in hospital since 5 February when he was admitted to SGH’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for severe pneumonia. Mr Lee is also placed under life support and has antibiotics administered due to an infection.

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