About 800,000 Singaporean HDB households will receive $100 million worth of GST Voucher – Utilities-Save (U-Save) rebates in January 2015.
The Ministry of Finance have said through a press release that in January 2015, households can expect to receive up to $195 in the two types of GST Vouchers – U-Save or Special Payment – depending on their HDB flat type.
The regular U-Save voucher is given out over 4 payments per year. It is one component of the permanent GST Voucher scheme designed by the government to help lower- and middle-income Singaporean households with their living expenses.
In Budget 2014, a one-off Special Payment voucher was also announced, with those in smaller flats receiving more. The first part of this Special Payment, which comes on top of the regular U-Save voucher, was given out in July 2014. The second and final part of this Special Payment will be given out in January 2015.
In January 2015, each eligible Singaporean household will receive up to $195 in U-Save and Special Payment vouchers, depending on their HDB flat type.
GST voucher rebate
MOF said that the GST Vouchers provide substantial direct assistance to eligible Singaporean households. Those living in 1- to 2-room HDB flats can offset about 3 to 4 months of utilities bills on average with their regular U-Save vouchers. Those living in 3- to 4-room HDB flats can offset up to 2 months of utilities bills on average.
In addition, the Special Payment announced in Budget 2014 can, on average, offset another 3 to 4 months of utilities bills for those living in 1- to 2-room flats, and about 1 month of utilities bills for those living in 3- to 4-room flats.
For more information on the GST Voucher, members of the public can call SP Services at 6671 7117, or email [email protected]. More information on the GST Voucher can also be found at www.gstvoucher.gov.sg.

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