By Terry Xu
The Land Transport Authority (LTA) is introducing new measures to deter and reduce illegal parking by imposing higher fines for repeat offenders who park illegally.
LTA said in its media release that about half of all illegal parking traffic notices issued between 2011 and 2014 were committed by repeat offenders.
To reduce the number of repeat offenders and thereby the overall number illegal parking offences, LTA will be introducing a tiered fines regime from 1 January 2015 to serve as a stronger deterrence against illegal parking.
Under the new regime, motorists who receive their second Notice of Traffic Offence (NTO) within 12 months will have to pay a higher tier of fines. This is the first adjustment to illegal parking fines in two decades.
An illustration of how the new tiered fines regime will be implemented:
example of new tier fines
The number of demerit points, which are meted out for more serious illegal parking offences, will remain unchanged. NTOs issued prior to 1 January 2015 will not be taken into consideration when applying the tiered fines regime.
Below is the table of tiered fines which will be implemented from 1 January 2015 onwards.
LTA new tier fines
Apart from the new tier fine system put in place, additional CCTV cameras will be installed at 40 more locations to enforce and deter illegal parking on a 24 hour basis.
LTA said in its media release that the the installation of CCTV cameras at 30 locations earlier this year has resulted in significantly smoother traffic.
“Since the implementation of CCTV cameras, we have observed improved traffic conditions along some stretches of roads which used to suffer from obstruction caused by indiscriminately parked vehicles, such as along Beach Road, Bishan Road and Pasir Panjang Road. Besides improving traffic flow for cars and other road users, our bus commuters have also benefitted from smoother traffic along these roads. We will continue to monitor the situation and review the need to install CCTV cameras at more locations,” said Dr Chin Kian Keong, LTA’s Group Director for Transportation and Road Operations.
Below is a list of the 40 new locations where CCTV cameras will be installed,
CCTV locations
Additional information on how to identify a CCTV Monitoring Zone.
CCTV identify
parking enforcement camera

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