By Leong Sze Hian
Maximise our retirement dollars?
A reader asked me if I could try to write about retiring in another country, in order to make our money work harder in our retirement. After all, life may not just be about saving, accumulating, investing – but perhaps by making our “retirement” cost of living much lower to maximise our retirement dollars – life may be less stressful or more enjoyable.
Have you ever thought about retiring in another country?
Ranked 15th in Global Retirement Index
How about a country which now ranks 15th out of 194 countries according to International Living’s 2013 Global Retirement Index. (Note: Singapore is not in the top 23 ranked countries)
Cost of living
Of course, one of the primary considerations for retiring in another country is the cost of living.
The principal appeal for retirement in this country is the lower cost of living (Generally, about a quarter to half of the cost of living in Singapore). Housing, food, and labour costs are quite reasonable. Foreign retirees can retire and enjoy not only the lower cost of living but also the very favourable currency exchange rate.
Financial requirements?
So, what are the financial requirements to qualify to retire in this country? As little as a deposit in a bank (currently the deposit interest rate is 1.375 per cent) of just US$20,000? If you deposit US$50,000 or more, you can also choose to buy a property or other investments, instead of a bank deposit.
How old do you need to be?
Are they easily affordable to even the average Singaporean or Singaporean family? Can even a young Singaporean (as young as 35 years old) qualify?
Although there are many different retirement schemes available, I shall just highlight one of the category of schemes.

  1. 35 – 49 Years Old – US$50,000.00
  2. 50 Years Old & Above:
  • Without Pension – US$20,000.00
  • With Pension – US$10,000.00

Note: Additional Visa deposit – US$15,000.00 per dependent in excess of two (2).
For those applying under the “With Pension” category – one must show proof of monthly pension (such as a CPF monthly annuity) remitted of (US$800.00 for single applicant and US$1,000.00 for married couples)*

  1. May be converted into investments.
  2. Total amount of Investment must be at least US$50,000.00 for conversion to be allowed.

Note: For investment in condominium or long-term lease of House and Lot, units must be Ready For Occupancy.
What are the fees involved?
As low as from just US$1,400.

  1. US$1,400.00 for the Principal
  2. US$300.00 for each Spouse/Dependent

Note: One-time payment only.
Any annual fees?
As low as from US$360 for a family of three.

  1. US$360.00 Annual Fee for Principal, Spouse, and (1) Child upon enrollment and every year thereafter.
  2. US$100.00 for each dependent in excess of two (2). How expensive is it to fly to this country, and often back to Singapore? Airfares start from around S$200 plus. (Source: And this country is – the Philippines.
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清洁工、爱猫居民合力照料 造小床让猫咪歇息

爱猫脸书专页Sayang Our Singapore’s Community Cats日前在脸书上分享暖心事,有爱猫居民为组屋底层出现的社区猫制造猫床,让猫咪能够安心睡觉。 据网友指出,该猫床是由爱猫人士为它们制作,加上清洁工也非常喜欢猫。 照片显示,爱猫人士将橱柜当作猫咪的小家,橱内还放置蓝色的猫床,让猫咪能够安心休息,有些角落则以椅子或窗帘当作猫咪的家,甚至还为他们取名。 网友也表示,猫的床单也会定期更换。 针对为猫在组屋底层角落设置猫床,网友表示,这是他看过离组屋最近的猫群,同时也感谢社区和清洁工能够允许他们安置猫咪在组屋内。 帖文一出也引起网友的关注,截至目前已获得1千赞,227转载。许多网友也期许,组屋底层可以允许猫咪休息,并希望能够在各个组屋内实行。 对此,发出帖文的网友则回应,他们和清洁工,以及一些爱猫居民在经过几年努力,才能安置猫咪,同时也会有爱猫居民定期清理粪便和呕吐物,确保居民与猫咪能够共处。 只有共同合作,才能让居民和流浪动物共处,且也能减少流浪动物一些不可预期的行为,造成居民的困扰。


“我们邀请国人一起参与,为推动更好的新加坡改革而努力,让2019年成为真正欢乐、有意义的新一年!” 新加坡民主党秘书长徐顺全于本月2日,于脸书发表贴文,欢迎2019年的带来,并表示民主党重申该党承诺,将加倍努力“为国家和人民带来积极的改变”。 文告指出,2018年更像是百物上涨和经济萧条的一年,也看不见现任政府有新意和开明地施政,来应对眼前的问题。 “唯一可以肯定的是,当权者透过起诉和提告对付那些发表异议的公民、打压独立新闻网站,且有意立法来进一步钳制公共舆论。” 徐顺全指出,如果再不做出改变,国人眼前将面对更艰难的时期。例如千禧世代,因为难以找到有意义的工作,面对就业困难;房价对他们来说仍是难以负担,还有毕业穷忙族群体的人数也在增长。 至于中年国人处境也好不到哪里。百物上涨加上消费税增加,家庭面临更大的财务压力。受薪成年人下要抚养孩子,上有年迈两老要照顾,面对的负荷有别于以往。 正当裁员正威胁着好些国人的生计,人民行动党政府仍执意要引进更多外籍人士来就业,国人实在很难再2019看到光明前景;当行动党最终承认,越临近99年屋契到期的公共组屋价值会下降,更令一度把组屋视为增值和寄托“以房养老”梦想的年长者梦碎。 再者,行动党仍执意要把人民丁点血汗钱继续所在公积金最低存款中,财务保障和退休几乎成了国人的天方夜谭。 “然而,我们的部长们仍领取天价薪资、继续享受舒适生活。这些自私的领袖们为国家带来灾难。” 透露民主党将推展一系列活动 然而,徐顺全在帖文中指出,这种困境不会是永久的,只要共同努力,可以扭转局面。他透露,民主党为新加坡描绘一个不同的愿景,也退出一些替代政策来解决当前的问题,希望能打造一个更平等、幸福的社会。 他透露迈入2019年,该党将马不停蹄开展一系列活动,以应对来届选举,至于具体的计划将在未来数周公布。

余振忠:一根手指指责别人 三指指向自己

“新加坡政治分析员暨香港教育大学助理教授胡君杰认为,上周二的国会动议表明,大部分议员和他们所代表的公民,都表达对阿裕尼-后港市镇会当前安排的不满。” 英语媒体《今日报》在本月7日发表一篇专题报导,采访学者分析上周二副总理王瑞杰,在国会对工人党议员提出“诚信动议”的影响。 不过前非选区议员余振忠不认同胡君杰的观点,后者的说法似乎意指,赞同动议的行动党议员,就反映了大部分国人的观点。 对此余振忠反问,议员受委托管理选区,难道就一定能代表居民的意见?他直言,本地的选举仍首先考量政党(品牌、宣言、过往政绩乃至他们他们如何运用恐惧和媒体),之后才是候选人对选区的承诺。 “无论如何,阿裕尼和后港的居民在来届大选才有最终的话事权。” 余振忠在上周五在脸书发表长文,点评对国会诚信动议的看法。他直言当副总理和其他行动党部长、议员在国会上演的“大龙凤”,不要忘了:当你一只食指指责别人,有三根手指头正好指向自己。 他列举了行动党政府的一些财务事务: 总审计署对人协财务提”否定意见“ 其一,向总理公署报告的人民协会,每年处理约10亿元的预算,当他们被总审计署提出”否定意见“(adverse opinion)时,理应能立即改善。 但在2015年,在91个民众俱乐部管理委员会(CCMC)中,有35个被发现未经相关单位的批准下,签下了53份总值1778万元的租赁合同。 林瑞生:出于好意…