By Howard Lee
A group of activists have sent a petition letter, with more than 3,000 signatures, to the National Library Board (NLB) to request that the statutory board reinstates two books that have been taken off the library’s shelves recently – “And Tango Makes Three” and “The White Swan Express” – following complains from members of the public that they contain content that is deemed not “pro-family”.
Within a day of launching the open letter, the group received 3,830 signatories who are against the removal of the books. The letter was circulated widely online through social media and forum pages, which the group says demonstrated “a true groundswell of public dissatisfaction that cannot and should not be ignored”.
“The conduct of this removal is also very unsatisfactory and begs explanation,” the organisers wrote. “The stealth and lack of transparency in the removal of these books do not give due accountability and is therefore not in the general interests of the public.”
“Secondly, we request that the NLB clarify their latest press statement, in which they stated that the titles (were) removed because they take a “cautious approach” and that they are at an “impressionable age.” This response has been vague and gives little explanation. What are the criteria which deem that books will render children so impressed and influenced that it needs to be removed?”
The group also questioned if NLB has adopted its more “pro-family” stand only in recent months, and if so, if the statutory board has consulted the general public on the steps it should take to remove books from its shelves.
In addition, the group expressed their concern with the removal of three other books – “It’s not the Stork!”, “It’s So Amazing” and “It’s Perfectly Normal”, all written by Robie H. Harris – and requested for them to also be reinstated.
“These three books all focus on teaching children about their sexual health. In particular, “It’s Perfectly Normal” has garnered many awards, including a Notable Book Award from the American Library Association itself. It is therefore perplexing why such material, which can help parents in navigating the often awkward and complex issue of sex education, has been removed from our libraries.”
The group also felt that NLB, “as a public institution, should represent a diversity of views, and not remove books just because it offends the sensibility of others.”
The letter writers called on NLB to be neutral, instead of serving the interests of a minority of its readers.
“The debate here is not about whether books dealing with homosexuality or books that are not deemed “pro-family” by some should be allowed. It is that the NLB in and of itself should serve the interest of all citizens, and to not accede to a narrow demand by several individuals clamouring to be the gatekeepers of society’s morality.”
NLB has earlier indicated that “And Tango Makes Three” and “The White Swan Express” were removed in response to complaints from the public, but did not indicate how many of such complaints were made.
A letter from its chief librarian citing the reason for the removal was shared on the Facebook page “We are Against PinkDot in Singapore” and subsequently went viral.
Pink Dot is an annual event organised by the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in Singapore to increase public awareness of their “freedom to love”.
Open letter in Response to the Book Removal by NLB & signatories

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为了降低跨国疫情传染风险,中国要求来自新加坡或在新加坡转机飞往中国的乘客,必须在登机前五天获得冠状病毒19检测呈阴性结果的证明。 中国驻我国大使馆今天(8月21日)在官网发通告指出,自8月28日下周五开始,凡是自我国出发及在我国转机到新加坡的中国籍和外籍乘客,都必须在登机前五天,提交核酸检测阴性证明给当局,申领带“HS”标志的绿色健康码或健康状况声明书。 航空公司也必须在乘客登机前,查检绿色健康码或健康状况声明书,而乘客也受促携带核酸检测阴性证明。 基于大使馆并未指明特定的检测机构,乘客可选择在我国卫生部网站所列出的任何医院或诊所进行核酸检测,而中国当局也只接受核酸检测结果。 通告中,当局也提供了申领健康码的方法,即在取得核酸检测阴性证明后的24小时之内,将该证明及姓名、护照号码、检测时间、检测机构等信息通过防疫健康码国际版微信小程序,进行申请。在中国大使馆核实后,申请的乘客就会获得绿色健康码。 而外国游客则必须在乎的核酸检测阴性证明后,将有效的护照资料页main、检测证明和已附上申请人签名的健康状况申明书扫描后,电邮到大使馆的指定电子邮箱([email protected])。电邮的标题必须为“HS+姓名+出发日期(年/月/日)”。 大使馆也提醒转机的民众,目前我国暂不允许乘客转机到中国内地,机场内中转区也不具备任何核酸检测设施,因此请乘客们在购票时,和承运航空确认有关航程的可行性。若航空公司确认可行,乘客才在始发地获得绿色健康码或健康状况声明书,并在有关期限内进行转机,避免蒙受经济损失或滞留问题。 当局表示,绿色健康码的有效期是以检测证明出具日起开始计算,因此促请中国籍乘客提前,适当地安排核酸检测时间,并且结果出炉立刻上传到微信账号,避免在登记当天或前一天才上传。

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【防假消息法】覃炳鑫博士接更正指示 官网强调“人民可自由批评政府”

律政部长于本月13日,援引《w防止网络假消息和网络操纵法令》,向历史学者兼《新叙事》总监覃炳鑫博士发出更正指示。 根据《防假消息法》办公处文告,当局认为覃炳鑫在本月8日发布在Youtube的视频,对于《防假消息法》含有不实声明。 而政府澄清事实官网Factually,则反驳覃炳鑫在视频中的说法,强调《防假消息法》仅针对虚假事实陈述,并不会针对意见观点,至于有关陈述属实与否存争议,可带到法庭辩真章。 在原视频,覃炳鑫批评在《防假消息法》第二条文(b)项,对所谓虚假陈述的定义似乎太广泛,只有一点错误,那么整个陈述就可被认为是虚假的。对此政府声明则指,法院已发展出如何评估虚假的标准,故此这种说法并不正确。 声明中也重申法庭可对《防假消息法》执行权力进行监督;与此同时,还强调,有别于覃炳鑫博士的指控,实则人民仍可自由批评或不认同政府观点。 当局也指出,目前18项《防假消息法》案例中,有11项时针对冠状病毒19 疫情的假消息,更正指示也在24小时甚至于数小时内发出。 当局也称,即便发出更正指示,不过覃炳鑫的相关视频民众仍可观看,这也反驳政府透过此法审查言论的说法。

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日前,疯传一封简讯声称有人借由为家庭派送口罩,借机迷晕民众抢劫,对此新加坡警察昨日(26日)于脸书上发文辟谣该简讯是假消息,当局并未接到任何相关通报。 据简讯称,歹徒会挨家挨户送上口罩,并在口罩上放让人失去意识的迷药,所以在送口罩时,歹徒会怂恿民众戴上口罩,并提醒民众勿随意戴上陌生人给出的口罩。 针对这则消息的真实性,警察部队于昨日发文澄清,消息并非属实。因此警方也促请民众勿随意散播未经证实的消息,避免引起恐慌。 对于故意散播假消息,警方也表示将会严正以待,一旦发现,将会立即采取严厉行动。 警方也提醒民众,所有持有有效身份证的居民可以到各地的民众俱乐部(Community Clubs)获取可重复使用的苦找,而自本月26日起,也可前往口罩自动售货机获取。欲知领取详情,可浏览。