What would you do if you have your flight delayed and you have hours to burn before your next flight? Visit the 24 hour convenient store, watch videos on your phone or attempt to waste off the hours by staring into thin air.
When Richard Dunn from Canton, Georgia was stuck at the McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas, U.S.A overnight, what he did was pretty out of what someone would do. Dunn made an impromptu video of him all by himself alone in the airport. The video has since attracted 13.8 million views on Vimeo.
After being offered vouchers to be spent on two consecutive Delta Air Lines flights and leaving him the entire night free until the next available flight at 6 a.m.
He told CBC news agency, “I thought, well I don’t have enough time to go to a hotel so what do I do? I’ve got my phone and an empty movie set, lets see what trouble I can get into.”
He started brainstorming and looking up songs about travel, but wasn’t feeling inspired.
Then he Googled songs about being alone.
He said, “And then our dear Canadian sister started streaming in my headphones, All By Myself and I thought ‘that’s it, that’s pure movie gold.’”
Dunn waited till the airport cleared out until 2 a.m. and then set to work. He asked an airport mechanic for tape which he used to secure his iPhone to a ruler and sandwich the pole between luggage bags to secure it.
“I’m just peeing myself laughing listening to this stuff thinking ‘you’re just tired its not that funny,’” he said.
For his big finale, Dunn strapped the camera to a bag and set it on an escalator, so the camera zooms out on him as he crescendos.
Below is the video produced by Richard Dunn, enjoy!

All by myself from Richard Dunn on Vimeo.

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