The websites of 13 schools were reported defaced on Wednesday between 3.30pm and 5.00pm, said the Ministry of Education in a statement to the press.

All the 13 affected websites were said to be hosted on one server.

“We have referred the matter to the police for investigation and are working to restore the affected websites,” said a ministry spokesman.

The affected school websites are:

  1. Bukit Timah Primary School
  2. Canberra Primary School
  3. Compassvale Primary School
  4. Greendale Primary School
  5. South View Primary School
  6. West View Primary School
  7. Woodlands Ring Primary School
  8. Henderson Secondary School
  9. Kent Ridge Secondary School
  10. Maris Stella High School
  11. Raffles Girls’ School
  12. St Gabriel’s Secondary School
  13. St Andrew’s Junior College

A quick reference to a hack archive, (source) shows the image of the site that was loaded onto the websites.


Interestingly, the hacking group, Jack Riderr list only 8 of the 13 schools which are affected in their list of hacked websites. (source)


All the websites except for Raffles Girls’ School remain offline as shown below at the time of post.



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