Last year, Lawrence Wee brought a suit against his former employer Robinson’s in Singapore. He alleged that he was harassed into leaving his job because Lawrence is gay.

Concerned that the law is ambiguous, Lawrence is now asking the High Court to judge whether Article 12 of our Constitution, which guarantees all persons equal protection of the law should also apply to people on the basis of their sexuality.

Article 12(2) of the Constitution states that “…there shall be no discrimination against citizens of Singapore on the ground only of religion, race, descent or place of birth in any law…”

Lawrence, who worked at Robinson’s for six years before he was sacked, believes that people should be allowed to prove their worth at work, without fear that an immutable characteristic does not become a millstone around their neck.

The campaign team estimates that the court costs, lawyers’ fees and sundry expenses, as well as the costs of campaigning will come up to be about S$30,000 which is the set target funds to be raised.

The donation link is as follow,

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