By Martin Gabriel

I usually refrain from speaking about my profession as I have always felt that my professional work and personal conviction should not interfere with one another and should be treated differently. However, this is an occasion which I believe should be made an exception, as it involves the wellbeing of Singaporean workers. This involved workers who were being retrenched and the help extended to them by the government. After much deliberation, I have decided to write on this issue.

In my line of work as a Senior HR Consultant, I assist corporate organisations in their requirements for human resource support. Some weeks ago, I was approached to assist a company in their retrenchment process. Basically they were retrenching PMEs (Professionals, Managers, and Executives).  In the past, I put together my own retrenchment kit, which includes contact numbers of self-help groups and other government agencies for the retrenched worker to approach for help. Through feedback, I discovered that it was not very effective putting together all these not so accurate contacts, as retrenched workers that approached these various self-help groups were pointed in all sorts of directions. The time and effort expanded in visiting such organisations proved fruitless. I was merely compiling contacts which I thought could be helpful. The information I get is publicly available and is being broadcast through the mainstream media and reliable websites.

This time I thought I would try something different. Before the retrenchment exercise took place, I wrote to the Ministry of Manpower and asked them if they had a retrenchment kit. After all, they are part of the government and should be equipped to have all the information. To my surprise, all they said was, there are guidelines to follow in a retrenchment exercise. They were not answering my question and at the same time, preaching to me how a retrenchment exercise should be done. I had no issue with their retrenchment guidelines but I asked again, do you have an official retrenchment kit? I explained that a retrenchment kit would be something that would encompass the contacts of organisations or personnel a retrenched worker could approach for help. Preferably a one-stop service that could provide useful information like writing a proper CV, or how to do well in an Interview. MOM replied, again highlighting that they do not have a retrenchment kit, but this time they CC'd their reply to E2I and the Work Development Agency (WDA). I spoke to both organizations and to my surprise, both organisations admitted that they too had no retrenchment kit or even thought about it.There are free workshops organised by E2I for retrenched workers, an E2I officer told me. 

This is indeed surprising.  How much resource would it take to come up with a basic retrenchment kit? I am certain it would not cost more than the goody bags they give out during National Day. A retrenchment kit is not expensive or complicated to come up with. When an employee is being retrenched, he would be in a depressed state of mind. A retrenchment kit would give him some comfort, knowing that there are places he could go to for help. I urge the authorities, especially MOM, WDA and E2I, to communicate and, please…come up with a retrenchment kit for the sake of our Singaporean workers. Workers should also have a one-stop service where they can get the necessary help in getting back on their feet and ultimately, be gainfully employed once again.


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总理多次鼓励“造人”增加人口 惟年轻国人为养儿育女成本头痛

《今日报》报导,本月10日,总理李显龙在出席新加坡日本商工会议所50周年对话会上,曾表示新加坡人口目前应该可以再增加。 他表示,“我们为新加坡制定了许多合适的措施,包括在建设新产业、学校、机会、市镇、公园等,我们都一直致力为下一代打造新社会,但我们现在最需要的是“新人民”-我们的子女儿孙。” 他透露,我国每年约3万5000人出生,以及3万5000名登记成为永久居民,而在众多永久居民中,高达两万人是成为新加坡公民。换言之,约5万5000人中,有36巴仙是移民者。 然而他表示,若出生率在近四至五年内没有成长,我国人口可能就开始面临下滑的问题。 三分一青年30岁前不婚? 其中的原因为,约三分之一的迈向30岁的青年均选择不婚,因为他们需要将焦点聚焦在他们的事业上,许多青年认为他们需要在婚前有更多积蓄,以确保减少婚期及婚后生活压力,包括办理酒席、房子、装修与孩子的养育费用。 李显龙也表示,新加坡目前也试图协助上班族母亲育儿,透过设置工作的灵活度与建立婴儿照护、日托等建设,使母亲能够在分娩后重返工作岗位。 “若他们计划生孩子,他们一定会考量孩子对职业的影响以及孩子的养育责任,许多母亲也会这么做,所以我也能理解,这并不容易实现。“ 当然,这也不是总理第一次鼓励年轻国人“努力造人”。不管是2014年的新年贺词,或是最近一次在公开场合,他都鼓励国人多生育,认为新加坡在教育、医疗和住房等完善设施和良好环境,并强调这是国人完全可以担起的责任。 想生就生?养孩子并不简单 然而, 对于年轻父母来说养育孩子也并非易事,高昂的养育费用往往让夫妻吃不消。…