The furore over Ms Tin Pei Ling’s controversial candidacy has boiled over in the form of an online petition calling for Ms Tin to be fielded in a single-member constituency (SMC). Started by one Mr Ti Kiang Heng on 4 April, the petition has started gathering traction with a few hundred signatories.

Mr Ti notes in his petition covering letter that the purpose of the petition is to show “that we care about Singapore and the quality of the Members of Parliament (MP) who represent Singaporeans.” He also links the problem with the inequitable nature of the GRC system:

“Singaporeans are genuinely concerned about undeserving candidates being inducted into parliament, not on their own merit, but rather on the back of established MPs of the ruling party in some Group Representation Constituencies (GRCs).”

In recent weeks, Ms Tin Pei Ling’s candidacy has come to dominate both the online and mainstream news cycle.

The New Paper had a front page article listing a string of criticism of her perceived lack of substance. A grassroots leader, in a Today newspaper report, openly questioned whether she could connect with residents, and letters have been published in the traditionally pro-government Straits Times Forum questioning whether the PAP made the right choice in fielding her.

While initial attacks which focused on Ms Tin’s designer handbags were easy to dismiss, concerns about Ms Tin’s lack of substance in media interviews and a speech she gave to a PAP conference in 2007 have started to come into focus. The latest petition crystallizes the question in voters’ minds: can the PAP’s youngest candidate hold her own?

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网友Simon Lim: 我想指出上周有关“收受红包的火葬场工作人员,被严厉警告的事件作出评论,以下皆为我个人评论。 我国贪污调查,一向以对贪污“零容忍”原则获得美誉并闻名世界。对我们而言,贪污调查局确实恪尽职守,而他们也值得任何的赞扬与鼓励。不过,我亦希望他们能在执法时融入更多的人性与弹性。我想要强调的是,弹性并不代表与贪污妥协。 对大部分家庭而言,每当有家庭成员离开,本就会经历悲伤与痛苦。我记得当我的家庭成员离世时,我的家人与亲戚都经历了紧张、痛苦等高度的情绪消耗。我也相信这也会发生在其他的家庭中。 当葬礼结束后,家属想为一路陪同的、尽责的工作人员送上万分的感谢,所以很自然地选择赠送“红包”给低收入的火葬场员工,向他们表达内心的感恩与感谢。 我想要明确指出,任何欲向家属要求、或暗示红包之行为是绝对不能接受的,但禁止低收入的火葬场工作人员接受来自家属自愿性的“红包”也相当不可取。毕竟他们从事常人忌讳的工作,但仍专业地提供相当有效的服务,同时也兼顾那些家属的需求。 因此,我建议任何来自家属自愿性的“红包”应与每月月底平分,由火葬场工作人员平均获得。这样以来,家属的善意与感激之情在不被剥夺下,又不违反法律,同时亦能激励低收入火葬场工作人员的动力,同理家属的失去并提供更有品质的服务,成为双赢的关键。 我希望相关当局不仅仅是成为冷冰冰的机器,缺乏考虑人性与深度理解生命的意义。三思而后行! 出自网友Simon Lim,原文请看