Mr Lee Hsien Loong

Prime Minister’s Office

Orchard Road


Singapore 238823

24 January 2011

RE: PMO’s Reply To The Online Citizen

Dear Prime Minister Lee,

We note your office’s reply dated 18th Jan 2011.

We have stated our objections and stand by them. We note your office’s assurance that being gazetted as a political association will not impede TOC’s freedom of expression, and trust that it will be upheld and that TOC will enjoy the same freedom of expression that other blogs do.

With regards to the request for TOC to name a President, Treasurer and Secretary, we reiterate that TOC is a community platform run by volunteers and not an organization run by committee. We do not have any such positions. We also note that the Political Donations Act does not appear to mandate such positions.

As such, we are unable to name a President, Treasurer or Secretary. Instead, the following four volunteers will be responsible for the preparation and accuracy of TOC’s donation reports:

Chiang Sheue Liang (S75XXXXX)

Siew Kum Hong (S75XXXXX)

Ravi Chandran Philemon (S68XXXXX)

Leong Sze Hian (S00XXXXX)

We would also like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to you to attend our first fund-raising event as a political association (please see attached). Given your interest in Singapore’s liberalization, we are looking forward to you attending. In the interest of fairness, we will soon be extending this invitation to the other political party leaders.

Yours sincerely,

The Online Citizen


Mr Lee Hsien Loong

Prime Minister’s Office

Orchard Road


Singapore 238823

24 January 2011

Invitation to TOC Cassetted: Not A Political Party

Dear Prime Minister Lee

The Online Citizen has been gazetted as a political organization under the Political Donations Act. To commemorate this very special and unique occasion – it’s a first time a blog ever gets gazetted – we have decided to throw a party.

Called ‘TOC Cassetted – Not a Political Party’ it will be a fund-raising event filled with fun and games . We will be inviting members of the public to make public donations to TOC. We will also be launching a new TOC initiative. There will be refreshments provided.

Your support has made TOC into what it is today. As such, we would like to invite you to this event. Details are provided below. Do kindly RSVP your attendance.

Date: 29th Jan 2011

Time: 7:30pm – 10:30pm

Place: Post Museum 107+109 Rowell Road S209033

Yours sincerely

Joshua Chiang

Chief Editor

The Online Citizen

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