Vice Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Liu Zhenmin visited Singapore to co-chair the 10th Bilateral Consultations between the Singapore and Chinese Foreign Ministries with Permanent Secretary (PS) for Foreign Affairs Chee Wee Kiong on 17 January 2017.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) stated that the Consultations, started in 1996, are a useful platform for the two Foreign Ministries to discuss bilateral cooperation, ASEAN-China cooperation and exchange views on key regional and global developments.
The Ministry stressed that PS Chee and Vice Foreign Minister Liu reviewed the longstanding and multi-faceted cooperation between Singapore and China. They noted that high-level exchanges were maintained between the two sides in 2016 including Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s meetings with President Xi Jinping (at the G20 Summit in Hangzhou) and Premier Li Keqiang (at the ASEAN Summit in Vientiane).
MFA also mentioned that they also reviewed the good progress of the three Government-to-Government projects between the two sides, including the latest Chongqing Connectivity Initiative.
It said that PS Chee and Vice Foreign Minister Liu also discussed upcoming bilateral exchanges, including the Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation to be held next month, and the China-Singapore Forum on Leadership this year.
PS Chee expressed Singapore’s support for China’s “Belt and Road” initiative, a new area of collaboration which would further build upon Singapore and China’s substantive bilateral ties.
MFA also said that PS Chee and Vice Foreign Minister Liu also discussed strengthening ASEAN-China relations and connectivity, including synergies between the Master Plan for ASEAN Connectivity 2025 and the “Belt and Road” initiative.
“To implement the ASEAN-China Year of Tourism Cooperation in 2017, they requested the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and China National Tourist Administration (CNTA) to collaborate and discuss concrete plans to promote tourism between ASEAN and China,” it wrote.
There is no mention if any discussions were made about nine Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles that have been impounded by Hong Kong authorities since November last year.

Permanent Secretary (Foreign Affairs) Chee Wee Kiong and Vice Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Liu Zhenmin tossing a prosperity salad (yusheng) at lunch, 17 January 2017. Vice Foreign Minister Liu is in Singapore for the 10th Bilateral Consultations between the Singapore and Chinese Foreign Ministries (Source : MFA)
Permanent Secretary (Foreign Affairs) Chee Wee Kiong and Vice Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Liu Zhenmin tossing a prosperity salad (yusheng) at lunch, 17 January 2017. Vice Foreign Minister Liu is in Singapore for the 10th Bilateral Consultations between the Singapore and Chinese Foreign Ministries (Source : MFA)
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【冠状病毒19】痊愈病患达958人 单日出院率创新高

好消息!昨日冠状病毒痊愈出院病例达到958起,创下日来新高,新增的社区病例也只有四起。 卫生部指出,昨日(5月13日)的新增病例中,只有四起是本地社区病例,分别是两名长期证件持有者以及两名新加坡或长久居民,其余病例则来自客工宿舍。今天也是自疫情爆发以来,首次没有出现来自客工宿舍外的客工病例。 新病例几乎都来自已经确认的感染群,其他则有待调查。 我国至昨日已累积了2万5346起病例。昨日有将近千人出院,将总出院人数累积到4809人,仅剩19名需要留在加护病房留医的患者。 此外,有六个新增的感染群,以工业区的工厂为主。

本地新增感染群:八名确诊病患 与裕廊战备军人协会俱乐部晚宴有关联

根据新加坡卫生部文告,本地今日新增五起武汉冠状病毒(COVID-19)确诊病例,与此同时也出现新的感染群。 当局称,今日(5日)新增第114例、115例、116和117例,都和在裕廊战备军人协会俱乐部(SAFRA Jurong)举办的晚餐聚会有关联。 此外,此前的第94、96、107和112例,都被指和上述在上月15日举办的晚宴有关。 第94例是是一名64岁的女公民,在上月11日出现症状,在17日、20日和24日曾到诊所就诊,并在24日转介到中央医院,随后于上月26日确诊。在入院前她住在位于惹兰裕廊克基一带。 她和第96例有关联,即年仅12岁的莱佛士书院学生。该名学生在上月21日出现不适后,就一直那病假没到学校。 至于第107例,是68岁女公民,尽管近期未到过中国、韩国大邱和清道郡,但曾在上月11日至14日到过印尼雅加达。 第112例则是62岁女公民,在昨日早上确诊,她是新意元幼源( Creative O Preschoolers’ Bay)的厨房助手。