From 1 July 2016, the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) will provide life and personal accident insurance coverage for all Full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) and Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen) in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), Singapore Police Force (SPF) and Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).

The initiative, named “MINDEF & MHA Group Insurance”, is one of 30 recommendations by the Committee to Strengthen National Service (CSNS) to better recognise the contributions of national servicemen to national defence and security, and to strengthen our care for them.

MINDEF insurance

Under this new initiative, MINDEF and MHA will provide $150,000 group term life and $150,000 group personal accident insurance coverage during the period of their full-time NS and operationally-ready NS (ORNS) duties. The premiums are paid for by MINDEF and MHA. National servicemen who wish to further insure themselves outside these periods or insure their dependants can purchase additional coverage, on a voluntary basis, at competitive premiums.

In addition to national servicemen, the group term life and group personal accident insurance coverage will also be provided to regulars in MINDEF/SAF (Military and Defence Executive Officers) and the Home Team (Uniformed Officers) during their period of employment. NS volunteers, as well as volunteers from the SAF Volunteer Corps, SPF Voluntary Special Constabulary and Civil Defence Auxiliary Unit, will be provided similar insurance coverage during their official duties. These personnel can also purchase additional coverage for themselves and their dependants under a Voluntary Scheme.

The Voluntary Scheme will be made available from 1 July 2016 for MHA personnel and 1 October 2016 for MINDEF personnel. MINDEF and MHA will work with the appointed insurance company, Aviva Ltd, to ensure smooth transition arrangements and to conduct briefings and roadshows to national servicemen, regulars and volunteers.

“Our national servicemen form the backbone of the Singapore Armed Forces and perform valuable service to our nation. The provision of this group term life and group personal accident insurance, which is on top of our current welfare and compensation frameworks, is our way to thank them for their contributions to national defence.” – Colonel (NS) Simon Lim, Director of National Service Affairs, MINDEF

“This group insurance is one of the many ways in which we look after the well-being of our officers, whether they are regulars, national servicemen or volunteers, as they go about their duties to keep Singapore safe and secure.” – Colonel (Ret) Rupert Gwee Chwee Kee, Director of NS Affairs Directorate, MHA

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