Amos Yee
Photo: CNA
Photo: CNA

16-year old blogger, Amos Yee, who was found guilty of the two charges brought against him by the Attorney General’s Chambers on Tuesday, 12 May has made an allegation of molest against his former bailor, Mr Vincent Law.

Amos was found guilty of the charge of obscenity and wounding the feelings of Christians in a YouTube video criticising former prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew.

Amos had said in his facebook page status that reporters have been gathering at his doorstep, seeking exclusive interviews and some photos of him.

In his facebook fanpage, he wrote,

Last night, and even today morning at around 11am, reporters gathered at my doorstep, wanting some exclusive interviews and some photos.

I told them to xxxx off.

But then after awhile, I started to contemplate, is this really…. The right approach in dealing with the mass media? And then I realized… no… it isn’t. It really isn’t.

And I have to admit, though you all might be tabloid creating xxxx….. you are diligent, and I have to say… I admire that.

So you know what… Fine.. Xxxx it! I concede to your requests, xxxx what Roy Ngerng says, you are the mainstream media, you have the responsibility towards the general public to provide news, you deserve information, and regardless of the risk that you guys will misquote me, you deserve the truth.

Therefore, today I have arranged a little meeting with a fellow visual artist I managed to converse with on Facebook, a humble fellow by the name of Dick Ow. And am to meet him at his residence in Pasir Panjang, at 7pm. I am heading to his house to collaborate with him on a few videos, would possibly have a sleepover.

I currently just finished my lunch at Brownice and am heading to Red Hill to run a few video game errands, so I’ll reach Pasir Panjang Mrt at around say… 3-4pm?

He then went on in his post to tempt reporters to turn up at Pasir Panjang MRT station where he will reveal information of how his former bailor, Mr Vincent Law allegedly molested him.

And if all you catch me as I go out of the Pasir Panjang MRT station, we’ll collaborate and find a little miscellaneous area, where we can all gather together, and I’ll clear the air and answer everyone of your queries: What happened in Prison, what my future plans are to fuck with the Government, I’ll even reveal that little tidbit of information on how my ex-bailor, Vincent Law, molested me.

I am reeling in excitement for our meeting, my fellow mass-media friends, I hope to see you there.

vincent law potrait
Mr Vincent Law

Mr Vincent Law, a family counselor, clarifies to TOC that Amos’ allegation against him is false and has no truth whatsoever.

Mr Law had bailed Amos Yee out from police remand on 21 April and subsequently discharged himself as bailor on 30 April, Wednesday.

Mr Law does not want to speculate on the reason why Amos is making such an allegation but clarified that all the meeting that he had with Amos were at public places.

The four occasions took place at Toast Box in Paya Lebar, Coffee and Toast in Cityhall, Citylink Mall, Toast Box at Somerset 313 and the performance for “Public Enemy”.

There were two other occasions where he met Amos at his home. The meetings between him and Amos took place in the presence of his own wife and children.

In the first occasion where Amos went to his home, his wife was there to prepare bread for him while his children chatted with him. While on the second occasion where Amos turned up at his house, his mother, Mary, was there to accompany him.

When asked about his feelings on Amos’ allegations against him, Mr Law said he feels disappointed that Amos has made such irresponsible allegation against him and that Amos did not think through the consequences in making such remarks online.

Amos’ lawyer Alfred Dodwell was quoted by media reports that the post took him by surprise.

“He’s never communicated this to me or my team.”

He added that he was not in a position to comment on the allegation, saying: “My job is with relation to his two charges and these other issues are his personal issues.”

It is uncertain if Amos has met reporters at Pasir Panjang MRT to give any evidence to support his allegation.

So far, no news outlet has reported anything on Amos’ allegation against Mr Law apart from quoting Amos’ facebook status update.

Also no photo nor video from the mainstream media has emerged from the supposed disclosure by Amos at 3pm this afternoon.

Update: Amos has clarified that the molest allegation against Mr Law is an act of “trolling” on the reporters from the Mainstream Media (MSM).

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