Screenshot from Singapore Democratic Party / Facebook

Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) member Bryan Lim took to his Facebook on Thursday (26 Aug) to highlight the unhappiness of an elderly Singaporean man towards the People’s Action Party (PAP).

In his post, Mr Lim said that he met 73-year-old Mr Kamsan back in August 2019 during a house visit with the SDP Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC team.

“I recalled spending close to three-quarters of an hour with SDP Marsiling – Yew Tee GRC resident, Mr Kamsan during this particular house visit – even though it meant ending our schedule later than usual,” he recounted.

Mr Lim shared a video of the conversation he had with Mr Kamsan – which was originally uploaded on SDP’s Facebook page – in which the elderly man shared how the PAP has a tendency to give the public an inch but take a yard back from them.

“They give you in the right hand, they will pull from the left hand. They kick you on the left leg, you go inside the drain [and they] forget [you]. This is what’s [happening]. They don’t care what happens to you,” he asserted.

As such, Mr Kamsan said that PAP needs to bring someone who is able to see what is happening on the ground so as to really help the poor people.

Commenting on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s National Day Rally speech in 2019, Mr Kamsan said that PM Lee wants people to increase their age of employment.

“Until how long? We are not staying in this world for thousand years. Today I see you, tomorrow I cannot see you already. It’s nonsense,” he lamented.

Mr Kamsan went on to say that the people wants someone who can bring their matter to the Parliament so the politicians will be able to see and hear what’s happening on the ground, and give them a chance to reflect if whatever that’s happening is right or wrong.

During PM Lee’s speech in August 2019, he announced that the Government will increase the retirement age to 65 by 2030, adding that the re-employment age will also go up from 67 to 70.

The last time the retirement age was raised was more than 20 years ago – when it was increased to 62.

“All these changes — to the retirement age, the re-employment age, and the CPF rates — will support older workers to continue working longer and help them be more financially independent,” said PM Lee.

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