Photo: Grace Baey

Meet-the-People sessions (MPS) for Aljunied GRC, Sengkang GRC and Hougang SMC run by Workers’ Party will be continue for the benefit of senior residents and those who cannot connect online, while requesting residents with pressing concerns or matters to connect online via the respective Members of Parliament (MPs) email addresses.

The party wrote, “In view of the increased concern about COVID-19 cases in the community, Workers’ Party MPs request all residents to connect with us online at our respective email addresses should you have any pressing concerns or matters to discuss with us.”

“Unless otherwise advised, we will continue with our physical Meet-the-People sessions, so as to remain available to our senior citizen and elderly residents, including residents who cannot connect online. We will take added precautions at our MPS locations; and operate with a thinner volunteer pool.”

The party also states that its MPs will suspend house visits till further notice.

This announcement follows the latest change to the control measures announced by the Multi-Ministry COVID-19 Task Force in light of the increase of community cases in Singapore.

People’s Action Party advises its Members of Parliament to suspend MPS

The People’s Action Party (PAP) has earlier advised its branches to hold MPS virtually or by phone.

“This is to minimise exposure of residents and volunteers,” the party said in a news release on Sunday (2 May).

Following that, several Members of Parliament (MPs) from the People’s Action Party (PAP) announced the suspension of their physical MPS with their GRC/SMC residents.

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