A nurse shares the ordeal that his family has been undergoing for the past few days on his Instagram account where his neighbour had mocked, hurled vulgarities, spraying disinfecting solution and cursing at his family every time they come back to their home.

The Instagram user “jibby4g” whose wife is also an essential service worker, posted short videos of the encounters between them and the next door neighbour.

In posting the video, the male nurse wrote, “This is how it looks like coming home now. Doubt it will stop as long as we are neighbours and as long as i am working as a nurse.”


I am called obai, kanina, virus, dirty family and virus family and was sprayed with Dettol. 

Just so sad. What have my family ever done to you that we deserve this treatment from you guys.” said the male nurse.

He shared that they had been good neighbours for the past 5 years and said, “suddenly after this pandemic happen, they knew that we are frontlineers and this is the treatment we receive.”

Even the parents who fetch their kids were also allegedly verbally abused and sprayed.

In one of the video, the daugther can be seen putting up her hands to defend herself from something which assuming is the disinfection solution sprayed from the neighbour.

In two of the posted videos, one can hear the neighbour chanting “Virus family”. According to the male nurse, the neighbour chants, “virus family go away”.

The male nurse asked in one of the Instagram photos, “what happened to the clap for frontliners and the song “home”. This is the reality frontliners facing now”.

According to the male nurse, the family made a report at the police station after some of the sprayed disinfection solution got onto the daughter’s face. Fortunately, the solution did not get into the eyes.

The family was advised to lodge a magistrate report separately as the Police cannot take any action without a court order.

“After the report, my family is still thinking if we should pursue the case cos we will still be neighbours. I am still working as a nurse. Will things change for the better.” asked the male nurse.

He thanked those who have voiced their support and hope that people will raise awareness about the discrimination faced by frontliners, “Thank you to all for the support, prayers and concerns towards me and my family. Please continue to do so and bring awareness so that no one will live in fear and no frontliners nor essential service staff have to go through this.”


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