Source: BI

TOC understand that a Singapore Citizenship Journey participant who attended the Community Sharing Session on 19 March was tested positive for COVID-19, leading the Ministry of Health (MOH) to identify and place all other participants in that session under Quarantine Order.

A community sharing session is when new citizens meet fellow residents and grassroots leaders from their constituencies to strengthen their connections and roots to local communities.

In an email from the Singapore Citizenship Journey administrator that TOC cited, the organisation advised participants to closely monitor their health and seek medical attention should they begin to feel unwell.

A quarantine order is a legal order issued under the Infectious Diseases Act, in this case issued to isolate an individual who is suspected to be a carrier or who has come in close contact with someone confirmed to have the virus.

Quarantine orders are usually carried out at home but could also be served at a dedicated government quarantine facility or hospital should the person not have suitable accommodation in the country.

At the time of writing, MOH updates on COVID-19 cases have not identified any specific case as being a participant of Singapore Citizenship Journey.

We have reached out to Singapore Citizenship Journey for confirmation.

According to MOH’s latest update on 25 March, a total of 160 cases have fully recovered from the infection and have been discharged from hospital while 404 confirmed cases are still in hospital, most of whom are stable or improving.

There are 364 imported cases of the virus so far, 321 of whom are residents and long-term pass holders while 43 are visitors.

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