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DBS CEO, previously embarrassed by disruptions in March, apologises for May outage

DBS and POSB Bank customers in Singapore experienced service disruptions on 5 May, marking the second major outage in two months. Many were unable to access online and mobile banking services, and numerous ATMs were non-operational. DBS CEO Piyush Gupta apologized and assured that a Special Board Committee is overseeing a full review of the bank’s IT resiliency to prevent future disruptions. He had previously said he felt embarrassed during the bank’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), two days after the March’s disruption. The Monetary Authority of Singapore called the incidents “unacceptable” and imposed an additional capital requirement on DBS Bank.

WP/AHTC/PRPTC court case – making a mountain out of a molehill

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新型冠状病毒疫情持续升温,人人为自保而抢购口罩、消毒液等防疫物品,以致出现“口罩荒”等现象。“物以稀为贵”,如今连口罩都成为匪徒掠劫的目标。 香港警察昨日(2月12日)在脸书专页帖文,指一辆停放在上水区新成路路边的轿车被匪徒打爆车窗,偷走了车上的八盒口罩。 警方指出,有关事件发生在2月11日清晨,被盗走的N95口罩共多达160个。 帖文中指出,警方透过闭路电视记录,发现了两名嫌疑男子,并且已展开了“反车内盗窃”行动,在上水彩园邨逮捕了其中一名嫌犯。警方目前正积极追缉另一名嫌犯。 当局指出,目前全城严峻抗疫,口罩需求量更是僧多粥少,因此不排除匪徒偷取口罩企图变卖牟利,因此提醒民众提高警惕保护财务,包括个人防护用品如口罩等,避免让贼徒有机可乘。

The death of a serviceman that shook a nation

By Terry Xu Every night without fail, I get to watch news…